The Dr. Demento Show #99-30 - July 25, 1999 Topic: Dr. Demento's farm Playlist Generated on 05/04/24 by Meow, Meow, Meow - Bowser & Blue My Baby's In Love With Eddie Vedder - "Weird Al" Yankovic My Baby's Got A Crush On Frankenstein - Soupy Sales Mariwanna - Rick & Mari Duncan Purple Haze - The Roto Rooter Good Time Christmas Band The Blob - The Five Blobs - With Whimsical Will Y2K Made My Penis Explode - Dr. Terry Tesar & Scorched Mirth Policy Down On The Electronic Farm - The Android Sisters Baa Baa Black Sheep - The Singing Sheep Old McDonald Had a Farm - Spike Jones & His City Slickers Duck Butter - Scrooz Lewis I'd Like To Be A Cow In Switzerland (excerpt) - Mary McGoon (Bob & Ray) Horsey Keep Your Tail Up - Spike Jones If Pigs Had Wings - Heywood Banks In The Mood - Henhouse Five Plus Too (Ray Stevens) Chicken Rhythm (excerpt) - Slim Gaillard Psycho Chicken (Clucked) - The Fools Rabbit Valley - The Four Postmen Werecow - Flippy T. Fishead & The Mighty Ground Beeves Barnyard Concert (from "Bozo On the Farm") - Pinto Colvig #5 - Shaving Cream (live vocal) - Dr. Demento (Barret Hansen) #4 - Dungeons And Dragons - The Dead Alewives #3 - Albuquerque - "Weird Al" Yankovic #2 - The Devil Went To Jamaica - Travis Meyer #1 - The Saga Begins - "Weird Al" Yankovic - Next week: Dr. Demento's zoo