The Dr. Demento Show #78-16 - June 11, 1978 Playlist Generated on 05/01/24 by Whole Lotta Love - The Temple City Kazoo Orchestra Hooray For Captain Spaulding - Groucho Marx Flower Punk - The Mothers of Invention The Time Warp - Richard O'Brien You're Not The Only Pebble On The Beach Cheese Shop - Monty Python National Brotherhood Week - Tom Lehrer Ya Wanna Buy A Bunny? - Spike Jones & His City Slickers I Am Whale - Ogden Edsl Bloat On - Cheech & Chong Vegetables - The Beach Boys 30,000 Pounds of Bananas - Harry Chapin The Ravings Of John McCullagh - Berliner Gramophone Company I Took My Organ To The Party - Larry Vincent Disco Elephant (excerpt) - White Boy Civilization (Bongo, Bongo, Bongo) - Louis Prima A Cowboy Needs A Horse - The Rhino Brothers On Her Doorstep Last Night - Jack Payne & The Hotel Cecil Orchestra Terror - Devon Marlin Henderson Monster Mash - Bobby "Boris" Pickett & The Crypt-Kickers A Clean Song - Oscar Brand The Old Sow Song - Cyril Smith w/ Rudy Vallee's Connecticut Yankees The Q-5 Piano Tune - Spike Milligan #5 - Highly Illogical - Leonard Nimoy #4 - King Tut - Steve Martin & The Toot Uncommons Butch Soap (Funny Five Extra) - Yin & Yan #3 - Dead Puppies - The Ogden Edsl Wahalia Blues Ensemble Mondo Bizzario Band Freeze A Yankee (Funny Five Extra) - The Folkel Minority #2 - Shaving Cream - Benny Bell Country Kangaroo (Funny Five Extra) - Mary Lou Buttons #1 - The Ballad Of Irving ("schlepping" version) - Frank Gallop