The Dr. Demento Show #06-48 - November 26, 2006 Topic: Wintertime Playlist Generated on 05/07/24 by Don't Eat The Yellow Snow - Frank Zappa Nanook Rubs It - Frank Zappa Dear Santa - Sean Morey No Anchovies, Please - The J. Geils Band I Got Mail - The Richter Scales Spam - Sudden Death - With Whimsical Will Reality TV - Dave & Brian Everybody Loves Flintstones (Bedrock Women #12 And 35) - The Dan Orr Project The Battle Of New Orleans - Jimmie Driftwood He's His Own Grandpa (I'm My Own Grandpa) - Phil Harris Let's All Get Demented - Ivor Biggun Naughty Girl - Richard Cheese Brak's Hawaiian Vacation - Space Ghost The Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota - "Weird Al" Yankovic Let's Blow Up The Tow Truck - Krypton Walking In My Winter Underwear (Winter Wonderland) - Stan Boreson & Doug Setterberg Rusty Chevrolet - Da Yoopers Winter In Manhattan - Christine Lavin Shovel, Shovel Snow 'Til You Pop A Blood Vessel - Duh Cheezers Super Skier - Bob Gibson Me Like Hockey - The Arrogant Worms w/ The Edmonton Symphony Orchestra I Still Write Your Name In The Snow - Chet Atkins Eskimo - Corky & The Juice Pigs #5 - I'll Sue Ya - "Weird Al" Yankovic #4 - Re: Your Brains - Jonathan Coulton #3 - Canadian Idiot - "Weird Al" Yankovic #2 - They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa! - Napoleon XIV (Jerry Samuels) #1 - The Ultimate Showdown Of Ultimate Destiny (Dinosaurchestra mix) - Lemon Demon - Next week: Christmas 1/4