Bofore Radio, Episode 45 Topic: A Bofore Thanksgiving, Part II: Nuclear Bubble Wrap This week's medley: Nuclear Bubble Wrap Songs, featuring: Nuclear Bubble Wrap and James at War! This is the first episode of our first annual A Bofore Thanksgiving ! Instead of putting together a Thanksgiving episode (Which we couldn t any way because there aren t enough demented Thanksgiving songs to fill an hour), we are honoring 2 comedy artists a week all November with their own hour long medley! Playlist Generated on 05/03/24 by - THX (Intro) - Nuclear Bubble Wrap End Scene and Fade to Black - Nuclear Bubble Wrap Convention (Advanced at Nothing version) - Nuclear Bubble Wrap ScientLOLojyuuichi - Nuclear Bubble Wrap - The Ice Cream Man - Nuclear Bubble Wrap The Land Before Time DCLXVI: Big Rock In The Sky - Nuclear Bubble Wrap The Ultimate Showdown of Musical Comedy - Nuclear Bubble Wrap The Environment (Advanced at Nothing version) - Nuclear Bubble Wrap - Old People - Nuclear Bubble Wrap Oxymoron - Nuclear Bubble Wrap Wonka's Door - Nuclear Bubble Wrap I Don't Let My Band Members Sing - Nuclear Bubble Wrap - Super Size - Nuclear Bubble Wrap We Didn't Watch the Trailer - Nuclear Bubble Wrap Tender Love Ballad - Nuclear Bubble Wrap Can't Rap - Nuclear Bubble Wrap - Blame Halo 3 - James@War Popstar - James@War - Dork Whore - Dino-Mike Next week: A Bofore Thanksgiving, Part III: the great Luke Ski *** Still streaming and still free since 2005 ***