A-Log on the Airwaves - July 15, 2017 Topic: Christmas in July Playlist Generated on 05/06/24 by www.madmusic.com Hour 1 Donald - LunchMoney Lewis Dumb Americans - Steve Goodie My Butt Feels Weird (Ask Your Grandma) - Bonecage R2D2 - Worm Quartet Butt Worms - Koit Jewish Rapper - The Gomers Wrap It Up - The Black Shabbos Attacks on Political Titans - Uncle Yo The Living Years - Big Daddy Leader of The Pack - The Joan Collins Fan Club Dune Buggy - Oliver Onions Convoy - Paul Brandt Hufflepuffs - Insane Ian Robocop - Raygun Cowboys Hour 2 Santa in July - The great Luke Ski Christmas at Ground Zero - "Weird Al" Yankovic Christmas in July - Brave Combo I'm Growing a Beard Downstairs for Christmas - Kate Miller-Heidke feat. The Beards Stop Giving Me Crap For Christmas - Bobby Gaylor Dear Santa (live) - Sean Morey Merry Christmas You Suckers - Paddy Roberts It's An Alt-Right Christmas (edit) - Tommy Safespace & The Libtards Tis' The Season To Make Money - Santa Schwartz Die Hard Christmas - Insane Ian feat. Bonecage Too Much Christmas - Matt Griffo Please Mr. Barber - The Leed Twins Who Put the Gum in Santa's Whiskers? - Little Susie Santa's Beard - The Beach Boys Hour 3 Andy the Amazon Android - Rob Paravonian Humbug - Owl City Green Chri$tma$ - Stan Freberg Deck Yourself (Commercial Christmasland) - The Scrooge Bros. While I Can (4th of July Song) - Matt Buckstein Ding! Fries Are Done - Billy Last Christmas - Michie Tomizawa (as Sailor Mars) Wacked-Out Five #5 - Stupidity - Young Jeffrey #4 - All This Time - Jonathan Coulton #3 - It's Love, Isn't It? - JoeyKat Star vs. The Forces of Evil Theme (EXTRA) - Brad Breeck #2 - Hey, Wonder Woman! - Chris Wolvie #1 - Westerosi Pie (edit) - Paul & Storm Next week: Random Choice Listing added by: A-Log *** Still streaming and still free since 2005 ***