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Medemia's Blog

Topic: One swam under the cuckoo's nest

Medemia   Offline  -  Artist  -  12-14-08 12:44 AM  -  15 years ago
I guess this news originally came out in October, but I thought it was interesting that PETA has begun a campaign to stop fishing. They have decided that the name "Fish" is too tied to the idea of fishing, so they want to rename the species to "Sea Kittens" with the idea that people wouldn't harm a kitten and would much less want to eat a sea kitten.
I thought the idea of the comic book was the biggest... sign of dementia. Here's the online comic book: What I really love is the idea that a 'sea kitten' will start to scheme how to eat a real kitten to make them pay for living the life of luxury on the land. Now wait a second. It's not ok for people to scheme how to eat animals but it is perfectly fine for a fish sea kitten to perform a new brand of cannibalism?
They say the most ridiculous things just to stay relevant and in the news, but sometimes I just have to shake my head and wonder if anyone can actually be that dumb.

Member Comments:

Bob Guest   Offline  -  Artist  -  12-14-08 06:33 PM  -  15 years ago
Great idea, Tim. I've noticed, however, that most furries use fake fur in their costumes. That's one item that would have to be remedied in order to make the maximum impact.
Tim P. Ryan   Offline  -  Participant, MP3  -  12-14-08 11:37 AM  -  15 years ago
Even more strange would be to get all the "Furries" of Furry Fandom you see at sci-fi conventions and there own conventions to protest out front of the PETA offices. Then, one by one, they fall down while a helper replaces their protest sign with one that says: "Died of starvation". Most Furries protray a carniverous animal, and I would say, one that is a meat hunter. Of course have media and media phone numbers on hand, just incase it becomes 'an event'.

Bob Guest:
I say we should all put on our bunny fuzz hats and protest out front the PETA offices. Probably won't work, but it would be a lot of fun... We could be the new "Anonymous".
Bob Guest   Offline  -  Artist  -  12-14-08 10:47 AM  -  15 years ago
It's just political correctness raising it's ugly head yet again.

PETA is just trying to drive us all to the bottom of the food chain. In reality, PETA should stand for "People Eating Tasty Animals".

Call them Sea Kittens and the only place you'll be able to order fish is at a Chinese Restaurant.

I say we should all put on our bunny fuzz hats and protest out front the PETA offices. Probably won't work, but it would be a lot of fun... We could be the new "Anonymous".

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