Mad Music Dementia Top 20, Episode 08-02, January 18, 2008 Topic: Mad Music Dementia Top 20, Episode 08-02, January 18, 2008 Playlist Generated on 12/03/24 by #20 - Commando - Rick Cormier #19 - The Environment (Advanced at Nothing version) - Nuclear Bubble Wrap - * - #18 - The Scrotum frog of Lake Titicaca - Flibbertigibbet #17 - Don't Wanna Do Homework - Punkerdoodle #16 - All About Me - Divergent Future #15 - Father Flog - Karl Brown #14 - It's Just Duck Off a Water's Back - The Donzo Bog Band - * Defegurgitation (Gut Vibrations) - Shmoolie #13 - Longer - Sudden Death #12 - The Caulk Sucker - Scott Rose #11 - The Shocker - The Poon Hounds #10 - Crazy for Chips - Below Average Dave #9 - I Hate Cellphones - nR Element #8 - Folk U - Scott Rose #7 - My Atari - Sudden Death #6 - Rich Fantasy Lives - Tara Duhan #5 - Pico and Sepulveda - Felix Figueroa & His Orchestra #4 - Creative Commons Anthem - Rob Balder #3 - Jack Bauer - the great Luke Ski #2 - ScientLOLojyuuichi - Nuclear Bubble Wrap - * Lindsay Is Totally Centered (Live) - TV's Kyle #1 - Davy's Dinghy - Ruth Wallis *** Still streaming and still free since 2005 ***