The Dr. Demento Show #79-34 - August 26, 1979 Playlist Generated on 01/15/25 by The Tibetan Memory Trick - Flo & Eddie The Elements - Tom Lehrer Ten Little Bottles In The Sink - Mel Blanc I Want My Baby Back - Jimmy Cross Who Put The Pepper In The Vaseline - The Barefoot Man Who Put The Benzedrine In Mrs. Murphy's Ovaltine? - Harry "The Hipster" Gibson The Books Jumped Up! - Jonathan L. Segal Skokiaan - Bulawayo Sweet Rhythms Band/Four Lads The 50s Sound - Kristin Lems Window Shopping - Damaskas Gasoline Rag - The Magic If It's Money That I Love - Randy Newman Money Song (aka Money Programme) - Monty Python Poor Man's Heaven - Carson Robison Daffy Duck's Rhapsody - Mel Blanc Duck's Yas Yas - R. Crumb & His Good Tone Banjo Boys King Of The Bungaloos - Gene Greene Aba Daba Honeymoon - Debbie Reynolds & Carleton Carpenter Rosie Don't Bang On The Piano - Cliff Ferré w/ The Cafe Society Quintet Your Feet's Too Big - Fats Waller Be Bop Spoken Here - Bing Crosby & Patty Andrews #5 - The 400 Mile Gas Line - Jim Zippo & Popular Demand #4 - Disco Sucks - Chuck Wagon Maultsby and The Same Old Band #3 - Who's On First - Abbott & Costello #2 - The Time Warp - Richard O'Brien #1 - Do You Think I'm Disco? - Steve Dahl & Teenage Radiation