The Mad Music Comedy Zone, Episode 0074, July 19, 2008 Topic: The Mad Music Comedy Zone, Episode 0074, July 19, 2008 Playlist Generated on 02/01/25 by - If Britney Was My Mom - Mark Yoshimoto Life’s So Hard - Marc with a C Way Out In The Country - Tim Wilson Dead Again - Possible Oscar - - The Pirate Song - Breakel More Rejected Commercial Jingles: Olive Garden - Paul & Storm The Second Life Song - Alex Whitmore Dope Deal or No Dope Deal Part 4 - David Tanny - Somebody Stole My Gal - Mel Blanc Enter Sandman - Metallica Some People Think Chickens Have Lips - Meyer & Drake Nat'l Weed Growers Assoc. - Michael Hurley - Burt and Bunna - Da Yoopers Nice Cup of Tea - Captain Sensible My Pants Go Down - Capitol Steps - Jell-o - moosebutter If This Geek Ruled The World - Geoff Smith Calling Dr. Howard - The Finders *** Still streaming and still free since 2005 ***