Bofore Radio, Episode 39 Topic: Merry and Pippin This week s medley: Merry and Pippin Songs, featuring obviously the second place winners of the battle of the parodies: Merry and Pippin, Rycehat, Raymond and Scum and many more! Playlist Generated on 07/22/24 by - Homely No More - Jeff Reuben Junk Food Junkie - Larry Groce I Don't Let My Band Members Sing - Nuclear Bubble Wrap - Six Guys, Ten Teeth - Paul & Storm The Ancient One (Live) - Raymond & Scum Busted - Devo Spice - It’s a Folding Chair - Merry & Pippin You’re Caffeine - Merry & Pippin As Weirs Go Dry - Merry & Pippin Mild Courses - Merry & Pippin Stuck with My Own Super Glue - Merry & Pippin The Mineral song - Merry & Pippin Choosing My Religion - Merry & Pippin Hens - Merry & Pippin 50 Ways To Piss Off PETA - Merry & Pippin - I Wonder If She's a Girl - Rick Cormier Creative Commons Anthem - Rob Balder Ode To Debi - Raymond & Scum Metroid Monday - Settle For Second - Lying Love - Rycehat Radioactive Barbie Head (Rycehat Demo) - Rycehat What Ever Happened To Jessica Chapmen? (Rycehat Demo) - Rycehat Mr. Fancy Pants (Demo) - Rycehat Next week: Video Game Music (Part I) *** Still streaming and still free since 2005 ***