Kahn Man's Comedy Corner, Episode 5-06 Topic: Random Play List Playlist Generated on 07/27/24 by www.madmusic.com Tom - Odd Austin I Heart Thanksgiving - Robert Lund Pass the Stuffing - Evil Mastermind Dr. Steve (and Fidgert) Dinner Rap - Whimsical Will Existential Blues - Tom "T-Bone" Stankus Stupid Day Job - Wally Pleasant The Way-Too-Early Christmas Song - Paul & Storm Brown Pants - Dogs Must Be Carried Pink Pants - Art Paul Schlosser WikiPirates - Tom Smith Episode 4-04 - Play it Again Sam! (First Aired On Fill in the Blank 2/5/06) - The Radio Adventures of Doctor Floyd My Hair is Beautiful - The Spoofinator It’s Time to be Gay - Nice Peter 1985 - Scared Weird Little Guys Hey Marc Gunn, Shut Up About Your Cat (Edited Version) - Worm Quartet Dear Worm Quartet (Edited version) - Marc Gunn Next week: Christmas 2008 *** Still streaming and still free since 2005 ***