The Kahn Man's Comedy Corner Episode 1-10 Topic: Classic KMCC #10 Playlist Generated on 12/03/24 by Ant - They Might Be Giants Ants are Here,The - Chaston & Groditski Big Ole Smelly Fart - Goatneck Road We Got the Beer - Robomusic Sirius Black - Tony Goldmark - - Arrogant Worms The Best of The Demented News #10 - Whimsical Will Jillion Dollar John - The 1977 All New Mickey Mouse Club Cast I Owe A Lot To Iowa Pot - Jerry Samuels (Napoleon XIV) Personal Jesus - Johnny Cash Woe To the World - Jamie Anderson Blackwolf - Triumph The Insult Comic Dog W/ Blackwolf The Dragon Master When You're Hot, You're Hot - Jerry Reed Rubberneckin - Elvis Presley Are You Lonesome Tonight? (Laughing Version) - Elvis Presley Ballad Of The Big Buffet - Mylo Hatzenbuhler I Wish I Were - Da Vinci's Notebook The Devil Went To Jamaica - Travis Meyer I Like Ebert - Ryan Hopak & The Happy Chinchillas (f/ Janna) Tribal Council - Ryan Hopak & The Happy Chinchillas f/ Timothy Mank Dead Puppies - Ogden Edsl Dead Puppies - Power Salad Punk Puppies - Ronald Vomit Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron - The Royal Guardsmen Return of the Red Baron - The Royal Guardsmen You Can Eat Dog Food - Tom Paxton White Fang - Soupy Sales Deep Deep Trouble - Bart Simpson Ice Box Man - George Carlin Dentist! - Steve Martin Listing added by: The Kahn Man *** Still streaming and still free since 2005 ***