Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport, Episode 054, December 30, 2011 Topic: Think About Goats In this episode we play a lot of great comedy music recently posted at the FuMP by the great Luke Ski, Scooter Picnic, Devo Spice, and Ookla the Mok, as well as a couple of funny tunes by Jeff and Maya Bohnhoff and Jessica Frech. In News of the Stupid we report on culinary counter-insurgents; Luke rants about dumb public speaking cliches, the non-obscurity of Yukon Cornelius, and post-hypnotic suggestions planted in 22-year-old music videos that still trigger a Pavlovian response in him to this day; and Carrie talks about DuhanCon, the hotness of David Tennant, and tells Sarah about her magical nipple mole. You know, the usual. Thanks for a great 2011, we’ll see you all on the other side of the calendar. Playlist Generated on 02/02/25 by The Star Wars Chanukah Song - The great Luke Ski I Can't Wrap - Scooter Picnic I Am The Doctor - Devo Spice Go To Bed - Ookla the Mok - Hangin' Out at Cheers - Jeff and Maya Bohnhoff People of Walmart - Jessica Frech *** Still streaming and still free since 2005 ***