The Dr. Demento Show #83-15 - April 10, 1983 Topic: monkeys Playlist Generated on 02/03/25 by Elmer Fudd Sings Bruce Springsteen ("Fire") - Robin Williams Daffy Duck's Rhapsody - Mel Blanc Turbulence - Sandy Offenheim & Family Circular Impression - The Extras Mr. Wizard and Timmy - Stevens & Grdnic Unemployed Junior Executive Blues - Tim Walkoe Song Of The Sewer - Art Carney Deep In The Heart Of Jersey - Cowboy Charlie & Corral Chums (from The Uncle Floyd Show) The Sly Cigarette - S.H. Dudley Devil's Dandruff - Robin Williams Cocaine Decisions - Frank Zappa If - Yin & Yan The Dull Family performs "There's No Business Like Show Business" - Uncle Floyd Wun'erful, Wun'erful! - Stan Freberg Ricky - "Weird Al" Yankovic & Tress MacNeille Hey, Hey We're The Monkees (TV Theme) (excerpt) - The Monkees Monkey On A String - Cal Stewart Monkey Doodle Doo - Billy Murray & Victor Light Opera Co. The Monkey Time (excerpt) - Major Lance The Monkey And The Baboon - Lonnie Johnson & Spencer Williams Signifying Monkey - Big Three Trio Ape Call - Nervous Norvus Gonna Buy Me A Dog - The Monkees Peter Percival Patterson's Pet Pig Porky - The Monkees Zilch - The Monkees Aba Daba Honeymoon (excerpt) - Debbie Reynolds & Carleton Carpenter Funniest Song In The World - Groucho Marx #5 - They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa! - Napoleon XIV (Jerry Samuels) #4 - Suicide Is Painless (Main Title from M*A*S*H) - The Mash #3 - Lock The Snackbah - Bobby Volare #2 - Shaving Cream (live vocal) - Dr. Demento (Barret Hansen) Teenage Lobotomy (Funny Five Extra) - The Ramones #1 - Fish Heads - Worm Quartet Next week: Canadian dementia