Manic Mondays, Episode #294, January 14, 2013 Topic: My Shoulder Hurts On this week’s episode Devo Spice laments some persistent shoulder pain, we celebrate the release of yet another Adam Warrock mix tape, and announce a new contest. If you would like a free, autographed copy of Ladies Don’t Spit by the Reformed Whores all you have to do is go on Twitter, post something about this show, and link back here! Use the hasthtag #manicmondays so I can find it and that’s it. The winner will be chosen at random on next week’s show. Playlist Generated on 07/22/24 by My Shoulder Hurts - Rappy McRapperson - The Future (Of Delivery) - Adam WarRock Girls Poop Too - Reformed Whores *** Still streaming and still free since 2005 ***