I Still Get Demented #03-11 March 24, 2003 Topic: The 11th Show plus part one of Iraqi war songs. Playlist Generated on 12/03/24 by www.madmusic.com Gimme The Head of Ol Bin Laden - Phil Van Tee Istanbul (Not Constantinople) - They Might Be Giants Don't Go to the Fallout Shelter - Tom Fenton & Ice-Nine The Man on the Flying Trapeze - Spike Jones and His City Slickers Comedian on Vacation - Tim Cavanagh Hooked on Ebonics - Capitol Steps I Can't Sing - Barry & The Bookbinders My Girl Bill - Jim Stafford Hooked on Polkas - Weird Al Yankovic I Remember Larry - Weird Al Yankovic It's All About The Pentiums - Weird Al Yankovic The Ballad Of Bilbo Baggins - Leonard Nimoy - Cowpunk - Scott Goddard ep112: Sylvia Is Horse-Knapped - The O.B. Ranger Gotta Lose Weight - Tony Goldmark I Don't Drink Anymore - Tim Cavanagh Gandhi II - Weird Al Yankovic Gun Control - Saturday Night Live - - Amanda Green Bender Roboto - The great Luke Ski Cabo Wabo - Faust and Lewis Dueling Brandos - Saturday Night Live Karl Molten: Checks are No Good - Robert Fry Up an Eagle - Tim Cavanagh You Went the Wrong Way - Allan Sherman My Favorite Things - Tim Cavanagh The Squirrel Song - Bob Wolf Rabbit Valley - The Four Postmen Happy Birthday - "Weird Al" Yankovic The Happy Happy Birthday Song - The Arrogant Worms Doctor Of Dementia - Dr. Demento w/ Barnes and Barnes Kill the Wabbit - Mark McCollum The Drinking Song - The Four Postmen A Bomb For Hussein - Barnes & Barnes Scudbusters - Loose Bruce Kerr Blame It On Hussein - John Mammoser w/ Kelli So Damn Insane - Whimsical Will I'm a Loser - Loose Bruce Kerr The Middleeast Beast - Skid Roadie 50 Ways To Bomb Saddam - Itzhak Dueling Presidents - Ed Bissot I'd Go Anywhere To Fight For Oil - Dana Lyons So Long, Mom (A Song for World War III) - Tom Lehrer Kick Ass USA - Milo Tremley Next week: The 12th Show: salute Dr. Demento's birthday plus songs from 1981 and part two of Iraqi war songs. Listing added by: davidtanny *** Still streaming and still free since 2005 ***