Manic Mondays #499, January 9, 2017 Topic: Butter Up Those Eardrums For many of us it's the first actual full work-week in a couple of weeks, which will mean even MORE willpower has to be generated than usual to pull us out of the sack on Monday morning! Don't worry, aural chef Devo Spice is here to grease up your earholes with some inspiration to do your best, celebrate 10 years of The FuMP, and a little pre-inaug taking out the Trump! Playlist Generated on 05/04/24 by I Didn't Fuck it Up - Katie Goodman We Want the FuMP - The FuMP - - --- It's My Patriotic Duty (To Make As Much Fun Of Trump As I Can) - Lauren Mayer *** Still streaming and still free since 2005 ***