Wackiness On The Rise - June 26, 2016 Topic: Episode 5: windy city adventure On this week's episode we return from a weekend trip to Chicago where Wacky Ben went to see The Doubleclicks perform. Plus we refuse to eat prunes, feel bad for many villains, and have lots of new songs to play. Plus we might be scrapping the Listener Discretion Song as of this episode (and we did). Playlist Generated on 10/10/24 by www.madmusic.com Can't You See The World Is Ending - The Doubleclicks Deadbeat Decimal - Smashy Claw Sweet Dicks - Holy Bongwater Politician Man 2016 - Peter & The Bee No Means No - The Dreamstalks Write Like The Wind (George R. R. Martin) - Paul & Storm Better Than Darth Vader - Mikey Mason - - --- Won't Eat Prunes Again - "Weird Al" Yankovic Sympathy For The Daleks - Nerds With Guitars Daddy Cut The Big One - Pork & The Havana Ducks Shoop Shoop Diddy-Wop Cumma-Cumma Wang Dang - Monte Video & The Cassettes Saturday Night At The Salvation Army - Oily Scarf Wino Band This Is My Jam - The Doubleclicks Next week: Episode 6 Listing added by: Wacky Ben *** Still streaming and still free since 2005 ***