Wackiness On The Rise - April 28, 2017 Topic: Episode 31: you don't know Bill O'Reilly This week we set sail with Captain Jack Sparrow for a new Pirates Of The Caribbean movie, head to the drive-thru, and say good riddance to Bill O'Reilly getting the boot at Fox News. Playlist Generated on 07/26/24 by www.madmusic.com Shut Up Bill O'Reilly - Timm McCoy When Bill O'Reilly Falls Asleep - Travis Reitsma Fox News - See No Evil Alien Ocean - Smashy Claw Steve Rogers - Insane Ian It Suits You - Kirby Krackle Welcome To The Lab - The Consortium Of Genius Every Country Has A Monster - Mystery Science Theater 3000 Giant Robots - Berserk Godzilla - The Doubleclicks You Don't Know Jack - The great Luke Ski Jack Sparrow - The Lonely Island feat. Michael Bolton Trapped In The Drive-Thru - "Weird Al" Yankovic Next week: Episode 32 Listing added by: Wacky Ben *** Still streaming and still free since 2005 ***