The Kahn Man's Comedy Corner 12-08 Topic: Interview With Tim Cavanaugh Playlist Generated on 12/03/24 by Do I Creep You Out? - "Weird Al" Yankovic You've Lost That Beaver Cleaver - The Birch Creek Brothers - - --- Magic is Friendship (Part One) - Dickie Goodmane I'm The Friend You Need - Capper (Taye Diggs) Open Up Your Eyes - Tempest Shadow (Emily Blunt) This Internet Famous But Fairly Epic Grand Theft Audio Is A Greatest Hit For Insane Ian - Wacky Ben Panama Canal - Yakko Warner (Rob Paulsen) Psycho Chicken - The Fools The Ratings - Mick Gwynne & The Pettycoats Ned Beatty - Steve Goodie Snoopy vs. The Red Baron - Love Gutter You Gotta Problem - Toni Basil When I'm 94 - Loose Bruce Kerr Safe Sex Report - Dickie Goodman What Kind Of Cat Are You?! - Billy Jonas What Kind Of Dog Are You?! - Billy Jonas What Kind Of Bear Are You?! - Billy Jonas Rock n' Roll McDonald's - Wesley Willis - - --- Get Drunk With Dignity - Tim Cavanagh I Wanna Kiss Her - Tim Cavanagh In 1492 Columbus Sailed The Ocean Blues - Tim Cavanagh Really Safe Sex - Tim Cavanagh - - --- 99 Dead Baboons - Tim Cavanagh Ode To Ed McMahon - Howard Letovsky Here's Johnny - "Weird Al" Yankovic Widow Jones - Barbara Eden I Kissed A Dude - Below Average Dave The Iguana Song - Tom Petty Listing added by: kahnman *** Still streaming and still free since 2005 ***