The Dr. Demento Show #88-32 - August 7, 1988 Topic: the demented 50's Playlist Generated on 05/08/24 by Heartbreak Hotel - Stan Freberg The Bird On My Head - David Seville The Ballad of Ole Swensen - Yogi Yorgesson Kookie, Kookie (Lend Me Your Comb) - Edd "Kookie" Byrnes & Connie Stevens Spam - Monty Python (Breakfast With) Joe, The Love Potato - Duck Logic Rappin' Rocky Rambo - Jim Fontano The Day I Tried To Teach Charlene MacKenzie How To Drive - Ray Stevens The Flinstones Theme - Fillmore 4 Hey-O - Kelly & Co. Singers feat. Bill Andres Why Can't I Dance With Phil Donahue? - Club Of Rome I Saw Elvis - Crow Carroll Buchanan & Goodman On Trial - Buchanan & Goodman The Thing - Phil Harris Daffy Duck's Rhapsody - Mel Blanc Ain't Got No Home - Clarence "Frog Man" Henry The Popcorn Song (vocal by Bob Roubian) - Cliffie Stone & His Orchestra Charlie Brown - The Coasters The Battle Of Kookamonga - Homer & Jethro My Home Town - Tom Lehrer Make Yourself Comfortable - Andy Griffith The Purple People Eater Meets The Witch Doctor - The Big Bopper One of These Days - Pow! - Jackie Gleason It's In The Book - Johnny Standley Supermarket / His Majesty the Policeman - Lord Buckley #5 - The Homecoming Queen's Got a Gun - Julie Brown #4 - The Ballad Of Irving - Frank Gallop #3 - Lasagna - "Weird Al" Yankovic #2 - Last Will And Temperament - The Frantics #1 - Spock Rap - The Neural Paralyzers - Next week: John Cleese interview