The Austin Lounge Lizards
Date Born/Group Began:
Date Died/Group Ended:
Also Known As:
Played on 111 shows: |
 | 11-03-24, #SF_63 |  | 10-11-09, #MMS-130 |
 | 10-14-23, #AOTA-231014 |  | 08-30-09, #09-35 |
 | 07-15-23, #KMCC-16-17 |  | 07-19-09, #09-29 |
 | 10-01-21, #WOTR_245 |  | 06-21-09, #MMCZ-09-22 |
 | 08-26-21, #MMS-239 |  | 11-22-08, #MMCZ_0155 |
 | 07-09-21, #WOTR_234 |  | 11-09-08, #08-45 |
 | 06-18-21, #WOTR_230 |  | 10-25-08, #MMCZ_0142 |
 | 06-12-21, #AOTA-210612 |  | 10-18-08, #MMCZ_0136 |
 | 10-02-20, #WOTR_193 |  | 10-11-08, #MMCZ_0134 |
 | 06-20-20, #AOTA-200620 |  | 09-06-08, #MMCZ_0102 |
 | 04-17-20, #WOTR_176 |  | 08-24-08, #08-34 |
 | 04-04-20, #AOTA-200404 |  | 08-23-08, #MMCZ_0096 |
 | 09-28-19, #AOTA-190928 |  | 07-07-08, #MM-165 |
 | 05-11-19, #AOTA-190511 |  | 06-15-08, #08-24 |
 | 08-25-18, #AOTA-180825 |  | 04-27-08, #08-17 |
 | 08-03-18, #WOTR_97 |  | 06-24-07, #07-25 |
 | 06-16-18, #AOTA-180616 |  | 03-25-07, #07-12 |
 | 10-15-17, #MMS-217 |  | 03-13-07, #MMS-69 |
 | 08-23-17, #ISGD-17-36 |  | 02-18-07, #07-07 |
 | 06-17-17, #AOTA-170617 |  | 01-21-07, #07-03 |
 | 06-14-17, #ISGD-17-24 |  | 01-21-07, #MMS-62 |
 | 01-21-17, #AOTA-170121 |  | 12-04-06, #MMS-56 |
 | 01-07-17, #AOTA-170107 |  | 10-22-06, #MMS-50 |
 | 12-03-16, #WOTR_18 |  | 09-17-06, #MMS-45 |
 | 11-19-16, #16-47 |  | 09-03-06, #MMS-43 |
 | 11-12-16, #MMS-204 |  | 08-27-06, #MMS-42 |
 | 09-17-16, #16-38 |  | 05-21-06, #06-21 |
 | 06-30-16, #ISGD-16-28 |  | 04-17-05, #XM-99 |
 | 06-18-16, #16-25 |  | 03-20-05, #05-12 |
 | 03-12-16, #16-11 |  | 07-25-04, #XM-61 |
 | 10-04-15, #BWR-15-10-04 |  | 03-28-04, #XM-44 |
 | 09-12-15, #ISGD-15-38 |  | 03-07-04, #04-10 |
 | 08-08-15, #ISGD-15-33 |  | 02-29-04, #XM-40 |
 | 07-25-15, #ISGD-15-31 |  | 01-25-04, #04-04 |
 | 07-04-15, #ISGD-15-28 |  | 01-18-04, #04-03 |
 | 02-21-15, #15-08 |  | 12-29-03, #ISGD-03-57 |
 | 07-02-14, #ISGD-14-36 |  | 10-02-03, #MMCZ-03-10 |
 | 06-11-14, #ISGD-14-30 |  | 09-21-03, #03-38 |
 | 06-10-14, #BWR-14-06-10 |  | 05-11-03, #03-19 |
 | 06-07-14, #AOTA-140607 |  | 04-22-01, #01-16 |
 | 02-02-14, #MMS-183 |  | 04-08-01, #01-14 |
 | 01-25-14, #14-04 |  | 03-14-99, #99-11 |
 | 09-21-13, #13-38 |  | 06-09-96, #96-23 |
 | 09-14-13, #AOTA-130914 |  | 01-14-96, #96-02 |
 | 06-15-13, #AOTA-130615 |  | 07-02-95, #95-27 |
 | 06-15-13, #13-24 |  | 11-28-93, #93-48 |
 | 03-16-13, #13-11 |  | 11-21-93, #93-47 |
 | 03-02-13, #AOTA-130302 |  | 10-17-93, #93-42 |
 | 10-29-12, #ISGD-12-44 |  | 02-23-92, #92-08 |
 | 04-08-12, #MMS-155 |  | 10-06-91, #91-40 |
 | 01-26-12, #ISGD-12-04 |  | 09-01-91, #91-35 |
 | 10-22-11, #11-43 |  | 08-04-91, #91-31 |
 | 09-24-11, #11-39 |  | 07-08-90, #90-27 |
 | 07-09-11, #AOTA-110709 |  | 11-12-89, #89-46 |
 | 06-18-11, #AOTA-110618 |  | 10-15-89, #89-42 |
 | 06-19-10, #10-25 | | |
 | = Show you can listen to online |
1984 Blues
A Case of Coors Beer
A Hundred Miles of Dry
Acid Rain
Ain't Gonna Rain
Ballad Of Ronald Reagan
Banana Slugs! Racing Down The Field
Banjo Players in Heaven
Beautiful Waitress, The
Big Ol' Bone
Big Rio Grande River
Big Tex`s Girl
Bonfire Of The Inanities
Boudreaux Was A Nutcase
Brain Damage
Buenos Dias, Budweiser
Bust the High School Students
Car Hank Died In (live), The
Car Hank Died In, The
Chester Nimitz Oriental Garden Waltz
Chester Woolah
Chicken's Gone
Conhusker Refugee
Dallas, Texas
Dan Stepford
Didn`t Go To College
Do Not Go To Tennessee
Dogs, They Really Miss Yo, The
Drugs I Need, The
Father Of A Honky Tonk Girl
Father Of A Honky Tonk Girl (live)
Flatnose, The Tree-Climbing D
Forty Years Old and I'm Living in My Mom's Garage
George Jones is Playin' in the City Tonight
Get A Haircut, Dad!
Gingrich The Newt (live)
Gingrich, The Newt
Go Ahead and Die
Going To Hell In Your Heavenly Arms
Golden Triangle (live), The
Golden Triangle, The
Grandpa's Hologram
Grunge Song
Half A Man
He's Just a Friend
Hey, Little Minivan
Highway Cafe Of The Damned (live)
Highway Cafe of the Damned, The
Hillbillies in a Haunted House
Hot Tubs Of Tears
I`ll Just Have One Beer
Illusion Travels By Stock Car, The
Industrial Strength Tranquilizer
Jalapeno Maria
Jesse Plus Phil
Jesus Loves Me (But He Can't Stand You!)
Keeping Up With The Joneses
Kool Whip
La Cacahuate
Last Words
Leapin' Lizards
Leonard Cohen`s Day Job
Life Is Hard, But Life Is Hardest When You're Dumb
Little Fallen Angel
Lonely Yodeler, The
Love In A Refrigerator Box
Lusters' Motel
Maverick- A Love Song
Me I Used to Be, The
Merchant`s Lunch
Miracle Baby, The
Momma Don`t Allow
Monkey On My Back
Mourning Edition
Neighbor of the Beast, The
Old And Fat And Drunk
Old Blevins
One True God
Other Shore, The
Paint Me On Velvet
Pizza on the Ground
Purple People Eater
Put the Oak Ridge Boys In The Slammer
Rasputin's HMO
Rock and Roll Lawyer
Rocky Byways
Shallow End Of The Gene Pool
Shorty's Gal/Honey
Snopes' Glory
Strange Noises In The Dark
Stupid Texas Song
Susie Rosen`s Nose
Swingin' From Your Crystal Chandeliers
Tastes Like Chicken
Teenage Immigrant Welfare Mothers On Drugs
Teenage Immigrant Welfare Mothers On Drugs (live)
That Godforsaken Hellhole I Call Home
Three Sinners, The
Toast the Earth with ExxonMobil
Tower, The
Trailways Of Tears
Truckload Of Art
Waitin' on a Call from Don
War Between The States, The
We Always Fight When We Drink
We Are In Control
We've Been Through Some Crappy Times Before
Wendell, The Uncola Man
Wer Ist Da?
When Drunks Go Bad
When I'm Cleanin' Windows
Why Couldn't We Blow Up Saddam?
Xmas Time for Visa
You Can Eat Dog Food
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