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DateShow #Show TitleAudio
12/31/05ROTP_071Revenge of the Particle - December 31, 2005
Topic: Show 71
12/31/05MMS-11Captain Wayne's Mad Music Hour, Episode #11, Dec. 31, 2005
Topic: Most Requested New Songs of 2005
12/31/05ISGD-05-93I Still Get Demented #05-93 December 31, 2005
Topic: The DFSX Top 100 of 2005 Part 2 of 2
12/30/05ISGD-05-92I Still Get Demented #05-92 December 30, 2005
Topic: The DFSX Top 100 of 2005 part 1 of 2
12/26/05MM-38Manic Mondays, Episode 38, December 26, 2005
Topic: Christmas Horror III: Tom's Revenge
12/25/0505-52The Dr. Demento Show #05-52 - December 25, 2005
Topic: Christmas part 4/4
12/24/05MMS-10Captain Wayne's Mad Music Hour, Episode #10, Dec. 24, 2005
Topic: Christmas III
12/24/05ROTP_070Revenge of the Particle - December 24, 2005
Topic: Show 70 - Particle's Christmas Pick
12/19/05MM-37Manic Mondays, Episode 37, December 19, 2005
Topic: Night Of The Reindeer
12/19/05FFM-21Freakin' Funny Music, Episode #21, Dec. 19, 2005
Topic: Here's some great Christmas music!
12/18/0505-51The Dr. Demento Show #05-51 - December 18, 2005
Topic: Christmas part 3/4
12/17/05ROTP_069Revenge of the Particle - December 17, 2005
Topic: Show 69
12/17/05MMS-9Captain Wayne's Mad Music Hour, Episode #9, Dec. 17, 2005
Topic: Christmas II
12/13/05MMS-8Captain Wayne's Mad Music Hour, Episode #8, Dec. 13, 2005
Topic: Christmas I
12/12/05MM-36Manic Mondays, Episode 36, December 12, 2005
Topic: Oh crap! She found me!
12/11/0505-50The Dr. Demento Show #05-50 - December 11, 2005
Topic: Christmas part 2/4
12/10/05ROTP_068Revenge of the Particle - December 10, 2005
Topic: Show 68
12/10/05FFM-20Freakin' Funny Music, Episode #20, Dec. 10, 2005
Topic: Christmas
12/05/05MM-35Manic Mondays, Episode 35, December 5, 2005
Topic: Yeah, Merry Christmas To You Too, Buddy!
12/04/0505-49The Dr. Demento Show #05-49 - December 4, 2005
Topic: Christmas part 1/4
12/04/05FFM-19Freakin' Funny Music, Episode #19, Dec. 4, 2005
Topic: Cartoons!
12/03/05ROTP_067Revenge of the Particle - December 3, 2005
Topic: Show 67
12/03/05MMS-7Captain Wayne's Mad Music Hour, Episode #7, Dec. 3, 2005
Topic: Food
11/28/05MM-34Manic Mondays, Episode 34, November 28, 2005
Topic: Aye Caramba!
11/27/0505-48The Dr. Demento Show #05-48 - November 27, 2005
Topic: Superheroes
11/26/05ROTP_066Revenge of the Particle - November 26, 2005
Topic: Show 66
11/26/05FFM-18Freakin' Funny Music, Episode #18, Nov. 26, 2005
11/26/05MMS-6Captain Wayne's Mad Music Hour, Episode #6, Nov. 26, 2005
Topic: Thanksgiving
11/21/05MM-33Manic Mondays, Episode 33, November 21, 2005
Topic: It's An Ad Ad Ad Ad World
11/20/0505-47The Dr. Demento Show #05-47 - November 20, 2005
Topic: Thanksgiving
11/19/05ROTP_065Revenge of the Particle - November 19, 2005
Topic: Show 65
11/19/05FFM-17Freakin' Funny Music, Episode #17, Nov. 19, 2005
Topic: Alternative Life Style
11/19/05MMS-5Captain Wayne's Mad Music Hour, Episode #5, Nov. 19, 2005
Topic: Booze (Alcohol)
11/14/05MM-32Manic Mondays, Episode 32, November 14, 2005
Topic: Boot To The Sci-Fi Head!
11/13/0505-46The Dr. Demento Show #05-46 - November 13, 2005
Topic: A short attention span Dr. Demento show (60 or so of the shortest songs I know)
11/12/05ROTP_064Revenge of the Particle - November 12, 2005
Topic: Show 64
11/12/05MMS-4Captain Wayne's Mad Music Hour, Episode #4, Nov. 12, 2005
Topic: Double Entendre (Double Meanings)
11/09/05FFM-16Freakin' Funny Music, Episode #16, Nov. 9, 2005
11/07/05MM-31Manic Mondays, Episode 31, November 7, 2005
Topic: Raymond and Scum Suck!
11/06/0505-45The Dr. Demento Show #05-45 - November 6, 2005
Topic: Hunting season; something special honoring our veterans
11/06/05MMS-3Captain Wayne's Mad Music Hour, Episode #3, Nov. 6, 2005
Topic: All-Request!
11/05/05ROTP_063Revenge of the Particle - November 5, 2005
Topic: Show 63
10/31/05MM-30Manic Mondays, Episode 30, October 31, 2005
Topic: It's A Boy!
10/30/0505-44The Dr. Demento Show #05-44 - October 30, 2005
Topic: Halloween part 2/2
10/29/05ROTP_062Revenge of the Particle - October 29, 2005
Topic: Show 62 - Sadako's Halloween Revenge
10/29/05FFM-15Freakin' Funny Music, Episode #15, Oct. 29, 2005
10/29/05MMS-2Captain Wayne's Mad Music Hour, Episode #2, Oct. 29, 2005
Topic: Halloween II
10/24/05MM-29Manic Mondays, Episode 29, October 24, 2005
Topic: The Whole World Lives In A Fog
10/23/0505-43The Dr. Demento Show #05-43 - October 23, 2005
Topic: Halloween part 1/2
10/22/05ROTP_061Revenge of the Particle - October 22, 2005
Topic: Show 61
10/22/05MMS-1Captain Wayne's Mad Music Hour, Episode #1, Oct. 22, 2005
Topic: Halloween I
10/19/05FFM-14Freakin' Funny Music, Episode #14, Oct. 19, 2005
Topic: It's the Big Freakin' Live Halloween Show!
10/17/05MM-28Manic Mondays, Episode 28, October 17, 2005
Topic: It Was A Paul And Stormy Night...
10/16/0505-42The Dr. Demento Show #05-42 - October 16, 2005
Topic: Thinking big (big things)
10/15/05ROTP_060Revenge of the Particle - October 15, 2005
Topic: Show 60 - First Show on Dementia Radio
10/14/05FFM-13Freakin' Funny Music, Episode #13, Oct. 14, 2005
10/09/0505-41The Dr. Demento Show #05-41 - October 9, 2005
Topic: Little things
10/05/05KMCC_2-11The Kahn Man's Comedy Corner Episode 2-11
Topic: Classic KMCC #26
10/02/0505-40The Dr. Demento Show #05-40 - October 2, 2005
Topic: Stupidity
10/02/05MM-27Manic Mondays, Episode 27, October 2, 2005
Topic: Serenity Rocked!
10/02/05FFM-12Freakin' Funny Music, Episode #12, Oct. 2, 2005
09/25/0505-39The Dr. Demento Show #05-39 - September 25, 2005
Topic: Aliens & UFOs
09/25/05MM-26Manic Mondays, Episode 26, September 25, 2005
Topic: Serenity Now!
09/24/05FFM-11Freakin' Funny Music, Episode #11, Sep. 24, 2005
09/18/0505-38The Dr. Demento Show #05-38 - September 18, 2005
Topic: Funny songs about bad people (including pirates, just in time for Talk Like A Pirate Day)
09/18/05MM-25Manic Mondays, Episode 25, September 18, 2005
Topic: Talk Like A Pirate Day
09/16/05FFM-10Freakin' Funny Music, Episode #10, Sep. 16, 2005
09/12/05FFM-9Freakin' Funny Music, Episode #9, Sep. 12, 2005
09/11/0505-37The Dr. Demento Show #05-37 - September 11, 2005
Topic: My fellow doctors (medical dementia)
09/11/05MM-24Manic Mondays, Episode 24, September 11, 2005
Topic: Stories From Dragon*Con
09/07/05KMCC_2-10The Kahn Man's comedy Corner Episode 2-10
09/06/05FFM-8Freakin' Funny Music, Episode #8, Sep. 6, 2005
09/04/0505-36The Dr. Demento Show #05-36 - September 4, 2005
Topic: Happy Labor Day (funny songs about work)
08/29/05MM-23Manic Mondays, Episode 23, August 29, 2005
Topic: Technical Difficulty Tuesday
08/28/0505-35The Dr. Demento Show #05-35 - August 28, 2005
Topic: College and football
08/26/05FFM-7Freakin' Funny Music, Episode #7, Aug. 26, 2005
08/21/0505-34The Dr. Demento Show #05-34 - August 21, 2005
Topic: Cats
08/21/05MM-22Manic Mondays, Episode 22, August 21, 2005
Topic: Cooter's Revenge
08/18/05FFM-6Freakin' Funny Music, Episode #6, Aug. 18, 2005
08/14/0505-33The Dr. Demento Show #05-33 - August 14, 2005
Topic: Dogs
08/14/05MM-21Manic Mondays, Episode 21, August 14, 2005
Topic: And People Wonder Why I Don't Drink
08/11/05FFM-5Freakin' Funny Music, Episode #5, Aug. 11, 2005
08/09/05FFM-1Freakin' Funny Music, Episode #1, Aug. 9, 2005
08/09/05FFM-2Freakin' Funny Music, Episode #2, Aug. 9, 2005
08/09/05FFM-3Freakin' Funny Music, Episode #3, Aug. 9, 2005 & July 23, 2006
08/09/05FFM-4Freakin' Funny Music, Episode #4, Aug. 9, 2005
08/07/0505-32The Dr. Demento Show #05-32 - August 7, 2005
Topic: A virtual vacation
08/07/05MM-20Manic Mondays, Episode 20, August 7, 2005
Topic: Celebrating 20 Weeks of Making Your Lives Suck Less
08/01/05MM-19Manic Mondays, Episode 19, August 1, 2005
Topic: Attack of the Purple Toe!
07/31/0505-31The Dr. Demento Show #05-31 - July 31, 2005
Topic: Motorcycles; more conversation with the man from Sudden Death, Tom Rockwell
07/24/0505-30The Dr. Demento Show #05-30 - July 24, 2005
Topic: Special guest the man behind Sudden Death; bugs
07/24/05MM-18Manic Mondays, Episode 18, July 24, 2005
Topic: A Podcast Within A Podcast
07/17/0505-29The Dr. Demento Show #05-29 - July 17, 2005
Topic: Summer Camp
07/17/05MM-17Manic Mondays, Episode 17, July 17, 2005
Topic: Tom Cuts His Grass
07/10/0505-28The Dr. Demento Show #05-28 - July 10, 2005
Topic: The funny side of advertising
07/10/05MM-16Manic Mondays, Episode 16, July 10, 2005
Topic: A Bewitching Bit Of Stupidity
07/03/0505-27The Dr. Demento Show #05-27 - July 3, 2005
Topic: Fourth Of July
07/03/05MM-15Manic Mondays, Episode 15, July 3, 2005
Topic: National Be Nice To New Jersey Week
06/26/0505-26The Dr. Demento Show #05-26 - June 26, 2005
Topic: Canada Day
06/26/05MM-14Manic Mondays, Episode 14, June 26, 2005
Topic: My Space, Your Space, We All Space on MySpace
06/19/0505-25The Dr. Demento Show #05-25 - June 19, 2005
Topic: Happy Father's Day
06/19/05MM-13Manic Mondays, Episode 13, June 19, 2005
Topic: A Very Special Manic Mondays
06/12/0505-24The Dr. Demento Show #05-24 - June 12, 2005
Topic: Fish & fishing
06/12/05MM-12Manic Mondays, Episode 12, June 12, 2005
Topic: Poor Little Deer
06/08/05KMCC_2-09The Kahn Man's Comedy Corner Episode 2-09
Topic: Classic KMCC #24
06/05/0505-23The Dr. Demento Show #05-23 - June 5, 2005
Topic: Ocean's Day (the oceans, and some of the creatures that live on and in the sea)
06/05/05MM-11Manic Mondays, Episode 11, June 5, 2005
Topic: And So It Came To Pass...
05/29/0505-22The Dr. Demento Show #05-22 - May 29, 2005
Topic: The unofficial start of summer (a salute to the warmest season)
05/29/05MM-10Manic Mondays, Episode 10, May 29, 2005
Topic: Burn, Burger King, Burn
05/22/0505-21The Dr. Demento Show #05-21 - May 22, 2005
Topic: Dr. Demento's zoo
05/22/05XM-104The Best Of Dr. Demento #XM-104
Topic: The demented side of communism
05/22/05MM-9Manic Mondays, Episode 9, May 22, 2005
Topic: Special Edition Director's Cut
05/18/05KMCC_02-08The Kahn Man's Comedy Corner Episode 2-08
Topic: Classic KMCC #23
05/15/0505-20The Dr. Demento Show #05-20 - May 15, 2005
Topic: Dr. Demento's farm
05/15/05XM-103The Best Of Dr. Demento #XM-103
Topic: The parts of your body, from your feet to your hair
05/15/05MM-8Manic Mondays, Episode 8, May 15, 2005
Topic: M'hey glayvin!
05/08/0505-19The Dr. Demento Show #05-19 - May 8, 2005
Topic: Happy Mother's Day (the demented side of motherhood)
05/08/05XM-102The Best Of Dr. Demento #XM-102
Topic: The weather
05/04/05KMCC_2-7.5The Kahn Man's Comedy Corner Episode 2-7.5
Topic: Classic KMCC #22.5
05/01/0505-18The Dr. Demento Show #05-18 - May 1, 2005
Topic: The demented side of communism
05/01/05XM-101The Best Of Dr. Demento #XM-101
Topic: The weather
05/01/05MM-7Manic Mondays, Episode 7, May 1, 2005
Topic: Die Laughing Listening Party
04/25/05MM-6Manic Mondays, Episode 6, April 25, 2005
Topic: (untitled)
04/24/0505-17The Dr. Demento Show #05-17 - April 24, 2005
Topic: The parts of your body, from your feet to your hair
04/24/05XM-100The Best Of Dr. Demento #XM-100
Topic: Vegetables
04/17/0505-16The Dr. Demento Show #05-16 - April 17, 2005
Topic: This funny blue and green planet that we all live on (Earth Day)
04/17/05XM-99The Best Of Dr. Demento #XM-99
Topic: Hair (the long, the short, and the absence of hair)
04/17/05MM-5Manic Mondays, Episode 5, April 17, 2005
Topic: Disarmed and Craptacular
04/13/05MM-4Manic Mondays, Episode 4, April 13, 2005
Topic: Live From I-CON
04/10/0505-15The Dr. Demento Show #05-15 - April 10, 2005
Topic: A couple of painful subjects: taxes and dentistry
04/10/05XM-98The Best Of Dr. Demento #XM-98
Topic: Tobacco
04/04/05MM-3Manic Mondays, Episode 3, April 4, 2005
Topic: Stupidity Reigns
04/03/0505-14The Dr. Demento Show #05-14 - April 3, 2005
Topic: Weather
04/03/05XM-97The Best Of Dr. Demento #XM-97
Topic: The demented side of science fiction
03/28/05MM-2Manic Mondays, Episode 2, March 28, 2005
Topic: A Call To The Future
03/27/0505-13The Dr. Demento Show #05-13 - March 27, 2005
Topic: The Easter Bunny and other rabbits (and rodents, too, like chipmunks, squirrels, and hamsters)
03/27/05XM-96The Best Of Dr. Demento #XM-96
Topic: Happy Easter; a little interview with the man who wrote and sang our most requested song of 2004
03/21/05MM-1Manic Mondays, Episode 1, March 21, 2005
Topic: Mondays Will Never Be The Same
03/20/0505-12The Dr. Demento Show #05-12 - March 20, 2005
Topic: Hair
03/20/05XM-95The Best Of Dr. Demento #XM-95
Topic: Science & technology
03/13/0505-11The Dr. Demento Show #05-11 - March 13, 2005
Topic: Green (St. Patrick's Day; springtime)
03/13/05XM-94The Best Of Dr. Demento #XM-94
Topic: Birds
03/06/0505-10The Dr. Demento Show #05-10 - March 6, 2005
Topic: Science Fiction
03/06/05XM-93The Best Of Dr. Demento #XM-93
Topic: Trains
02/27/0505-09The Dr. Demento Show #05-09 - February 27, 2005
Topic: Science & technology
02/27/05XM-92The Best Of Dr. Demento #XM-92
Topic: The cities and towns of America (and elsewhere)
02/20/0505-08The Dr. Demento Show #05-08 - February 20, 2005
Topic: Birds
02/20/05XM-91The Best Of Dr. Demento #XM-91
Topic: alternative lifestyles
02/13/0505-07The Dr. Demento Show #05-07 - February 13, 2005
Topic: Demented love songs; tribute to Johnny Carson
02/13/05XM-90The Best Of Dr. Demento #XM-90
Topic: Valentine's Day (love songs with a demented twist); the night 41 years ago when all American fell in love with four long-haired young men from England
02/06/0505-06The Dr. Demento Show #05-06 - February 6, 2005
Topic: Super Bowl weekend (remembering the first anniversary of the wardrobe accident that shook the world, and football too)
02/06/05XM-89The Best Of Dr. Demento #XM-89
Topic: A virtual Hawaiian vacation (songs from and about the islands)
01/30/0505-05The Dr. Demento Show #05-05 - January 30, 2005
Topic: Hawaii (a virtual vacation to the islands; the ukulele)
01/30/05XM-88The Best Of Dr. Demento #XM-88
Topic: Interview with The Bobs
01/23/0505-04The Dr. Demento Show #05-04 - January 23, 2005
Topic: Places in the U.S.A. and elsewhere
01/23/05XM-87The Best Of Dr. Demento #XM-87
Topic: Nonsense
01/16/0505-03The Dr. Demento Show #05-03 - January 16, 2005
Topic: George W. Bush begins his second term as our president (a stack of songs from the states that voted for him - the red states)
01/16/05XM-86The Best Of Dr. Demento #XM-86
Topic: Insanity
01/09/0505-02The Dr. Demento Show #05-02 - January 9, 2005
Topic: In-studio visit with The Bobs
01/09/05XM-85The Best Of Dr. Demento #XM-85
Topic: Our friend, the dentist
01/06/05MMDT20_05-01Dementia Top 20, Episode 05-01, January 6, 2005
Topic: Dementia Top 20, Episode 05-01, January 6, 2005
01/02/0505-01The Dr. Demento Show #05-01 - January 2, 2005
Topic: Total nonsense
01/02/05XM-84The Best Of Dr. Demento #XM-84
Topic: Pirates
Topic: Delete this playlist

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