12/31/13 | BWR-13-12-31 | Ben's Wacky Radio - December 31, 2013 Topic: The Wacky 30 of 2013! |  |
12/31/13 | MMDT20_13-FY | Mad Music Top 50 of 2013 Topic: Mad Music Top 50 of 2013 |  |
12/30/13 | ISGD-13-57 | I Still Get Demented #13-57 December 30, 2013 Topic: The ISGD Top 40 of 2013 |  |
12/30/13 | MM-342 | Manic Mondays, Episode 334, December 30, 2013 Topic: A Sort-Of 2013 Review (Sort-Of) |  |
12/28/13 | 13-52 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-52 - December 28, 2013 Topic: Funny 25 | |
12/28/13 | AOTA-131228 | A-Log on the Airwaves - December 28, 2013 Topic: Wacked-Out 40 of 2013! |  |
12/27/13 | MMDT20_13-52 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-52, December 27, 2013 Topic: Show 488 |  |
12/26/13 | ISGD-13-56 | I Still Get Demented #13-56 December 26, 2013 Topic: The ISGD Top 100 of 2013 Part 1 of 2 |  |
12/25/13 | MMS-182 | The Mad Music Special #182 - December 25, 2013 Topic: Clinical Insanity For Christmas |  |
12/24/13 | BWR-13-12-24 | Ben's Wacky Radio - December 24, 2013 Topic: Christmas 4 of 4 (special 3-hour show) |  |
12/23/13 | MM-341 | Manic Mondays, Episode 341, December 23, 2013 Topic: It’s Beginning To Sound A Lot Like *Cough-Cough*Hack*Phlegm-mas! |  |
12/23/13 | ISGD-13-55 | I Still Get Demented #13-55 December 23, 2013 Topic: Holidays in Funmentia 2013 part 4 of 4 |  |
12/21/13 | 13-51 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-51 - December 21, 2013 Topic: Christmas part 3/3 | |
12/21/13 | AOTA-131221 | A-Log on the Airwaves, December 21, 2013 Topic: Christmas (Part 3 of 3) |  |
12/20/13 | MMDT20_13-51 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-51, December 20, 2013 Topic: Show 487 - Particle's Christmas Pick |  |
12/18/13 | ISGD-13-54 | I Still Get Demented #13-54 December 18, 2013 Topic: Holidays in Funmentia 2013 part 3 of 4 |  |
12/17/13 | BWR-13-12-17 | Ben's Wacky Radio - December 17, 2013 Topic: Christmas 3 of 4 |  |
12/16/13 | MM-340 | Manic Mondays, Episode 340, December 16, 2013 Topic: Twas the Week-and-a-half Before Christmas |  |
12/14/13 | MMP-24 | The Mad Music Podcast #24, December 14, 2013 Topic: Santa's Everywhere (with guest host Dave AuJus) |  |
12/14/13 | 13-30 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-50 - December 14, 2013 Topic: Christmas part 2/3 | |
12/14/13 | AOTA-131214 | A-Log on the Airwaves, December 14, 2013 Topic: Christmas (Part 2 of 3) |  |
12/13/13 | MMDT20_13-50 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-50, December 13, 2013 Topic: Show 486 |  |
12/11/13 | ISGD-13-53 | I Still Get Demented #13-53 December 11, 2013 Topic: Holidays in Funmentia 2013 Part 2 of 4 |  |
12/10/13 | BWR-13-12-10 | Ben's Wacky Radio - December 10, 2013 Topic: Christmas 2 of 4 |  |
12/09/13 | MMS-181 | The Mad Music Show #181 - December 9, 2013 Topic: Xmas II 2013: I've Got Your North Pole Right Here! |  |
12/09/13 | MM-339 | Manic Mondays, Episode 339, December 9, 2013 Topic: We Wish You a Worm-y Crist-mas… PART TWO!!! |  |
12/07/13 | 13-49 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-49 - December 7, 2013 Topic: Christmas part 1/3 | |
12/07/13 | AOTA-131207 | A-Log on the Airwaves, December 7, 2013 Topic: Christmas (Part 1 of 3) |  |
12/06/13 | MMDT20_13-49 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-49, December 6, 2013 Topic: Show 485 |  |
12/04/13 | ISGD-13-52 | I Still Get Demented #13-52 December 4, 2013 Topic: Holidays in Funmentia 2013 part 1 |  |
12/03/13 | BWR-13-12-03 | Ben's Wacky Radio - December 3, 2013 Topic: Christmas 1 of 4 (also Hanukkah and winter) |  |
12/02/13 | MM-338 | Manic Mondays, Episode 338, December 2, 2013 Topic: We Wish You a Wormy Crist-mas! |  |
12/01/13 | MMS-180 | The Mad Music Show #180 - December 1, 2013 Topic: Xmas I 2013: Drop That Turkey, Hanukkah Harry! |  |
11/30/13 | 13-48 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-48 - November 30, 2013 Topic: Top ten | |
11/30/13 | AOTA-131130 | A-Log on the Airwaves, November 30, 2013 Topic: Chanukah |  |
11/29/13 | MMDT20_13-48 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-48, November 29, 2013 Topic: Show 484 |  |
11/29/13 | ISGD-13-51 | I Still Get Demented #13-51 November 29, 2013 Topic: Hanukkah/Winter/Clearing Out the Queue For the Last Time in 2013 |  |
11/27/13 | ISGD-13-50 | I Still Get Demented #13-50 Nov 26, 2013 Topic: An All No-Request Thanksgiving 2013 Show |  |
11/26/13 | BWR-13-11-26 | Ben's Wacky Radio - November 26, 2013 Topic: Thanksgiving |  |
11/25/13 | MM-337 | Manic Mondays, Episode 337, November 25, 2013 Topic: My First Little MM of the 2013 Holiday Season! |  |
11/23/13 | MMS-179 | The Mad Music Hour #179 - November 23, 2013 Topic: Thanksgiving: "Gobble This!" |  |
11/23/13 | AOTA-131123 | A-Log on the Airwaves, November 23, 2013 Topic: Thanksgiving (Plus some Musical Turkeys) |  |
11/23/13 | 13-47 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-47 - November 23, 2013 Topic: Thanksgiving & Hanukkah | |
11/22/13 | MMDT20_13-47 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-47, November 22, 2013 Topic: Show 483 |  |
11/20/13 | ISGD-13-49 | I Still Get Demented #13-49 November 20, 2013 Topic: The 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who/Clearing Out The Queue! |  |
11/19/13 | BWR-13-11-19 | Ben's Wacky Radio - November 19, 2013 Topic: Musical turkeys (the best of the worst... and the worst in general) |  |
11/18/13 | MM-336 | Manic Mondays, Episode 336, November 18, 2013 Topic: Listener Suggestion/Con Hallway Edition |  |
11/16/13 | 13-46 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-46 - November 16, 2013 Topic: Dreams | |
11/16/13 | AOTA-131116 | A-Log on the Airwaves, November 16, 2013 Topic: Food |  |
11/15/13 | MMDT20_13-46 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-46, November 15, 2013 Topic: Show 482 |  |
11/14/13 | ISGD-13-48 | I Still Get Demented #13-48 November 14, 2013 Topic: Clearing Out The Queue! |  |
11/12/13 | BWR-13-11-12 | Ben's Wacky Radio - November 12, 2013 Topic: 50th anniversary of Doctor Who |  |
11/11/13 | MM-335 | Manic Mondays, Episode 335, November 11, 2013 Topic: Suuuuuure that’s oregano! |  |
11/10/13 | MMP-23 | The Mad Music Podcast #23 - November 10, 2013 Topic: We Ask The Musical Question... |  |
11/09/13 | AOTA-131109 | A-Log on the Airwaves, November 9, 2013 Topic: Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary Celebration |  |
11/09/13 | 13-45 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-45 - November 9, 2013 Topic: Comedians sing | |
11/08/13 | MMDT20_13-45 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-45, November 8, 2013 Topic: Show 481 |  |
11/07/13 | ISGD-13-47 | I Still Get Demented #13-47 November 7, 2013 Topic: Songs from The Year 2011 |  |
11/05/13 | MMS-178 | The Mad Music Hour #178 - November 5, 2013 Topic: The Request Chest Creaks Open |  |
11/05/13 | BWR-13-11-05 | Ben's Wacky Radio - November 5, 2013 Topic: Wacky covers |  |
11/03/13 | MM-334 | Manic Mondays, Episode 334, November 4, 2013 Topic: Treats 2013 |  |
11/03/13 | 13-44-Live | The Dr. Demento Show (live on KSWD 100.3 FM) - November 3, 2013 (6p-8p) | |
11/02/13 | 13-44 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-44 - November 2, 2013 Topic: Top ten for October | |
11/02/13 | AOTA-131102 | A-Log on the Airwaves, November 2, 2013 Topic: Frank Zappa |  |
11/01/13 | MMDT20_13-44 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-44, November 1, 2013 Topic: Show 480 |  |
11/01/13 | ISGD-13-46 | I Still Get Demented #13-46 November 1, 2013 Topic: Hunting, and Songs from the Year 2010 Part 2 |  |
10/30/13 | MMS-177 | The Mad Music Show #177 - October 30, 2013 Topic: Halloween III: King Of Darkness |  |
10/29/13 | ISGD-13-45 | I Still Get Demented #13-45 October 29, 2013 Topic: Special Bonus Halloween 2013 Part 4 of 3 (or something) |  |
10/29/13 | BWR-13-10-29 | Ben's Wacky Radio - October 29, 2013 Topic: Halloween 3 of 3 |  |
10/28/13 | MM-333 | Manic Mondays, Episode 333, October 28, 2013 Topic: 1/3rd Satan!!! |  |
10/27/13 | ISGD-13-44 | I Still Get Demented #13-44 October 27, 2013 Topic: Unannounced Bonus Halloween 2013 Part 2 1/2 |  |
10/26/13 | 13-43 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-43 - October 26, 2013 Topic: Halloween part 2/2 | |
10/26/13 | AOTA-131026 | A-Log on the Airwaves, October 26, 2013 Topic: Halloween (Part 3 of 3) |  |
10/25/13 | MMDT20_13-43 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-43, October 25, 2013 Topic: Show 479 - Sadako's Halloween Revenge |  |
10/23/13 | ISGD-13-43 | I Still Get Demented #13-43 October 23, 2013 Topic: Halloween II |  |
10/22/13 | BWR-13-10-22 | Ben's Wacky Radio - October 22, 2013 Topic: Halloween 2 of 3 |  |
10/21/13 | MMS-176 | The Mad Music Show #176 - October 21, 2013 Topic: Halloween II: Sea Of Chaos |  |
10/21/13 | MM-332 | Manic Mondays, Episode 332, October 21, 2013 Topic: Mmm, Toasty! |  |
10/19/13 | 13-42 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-42 - October 19, 2013 Topic: Halloween part 1/2 | |
10/19/13 | AOTA-131019 | A-Log on the Airwaves - October 19, 2013 Topic: Halloween (Part 2 of 3) |  |
10/18/13 | MMDT20_13-42 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-42, October 18, 2013 Topic: Show 478 |  |
10/16/13 | ISGD-13-42 | I Still Get Demented #13-42 October 16, 2013 Topic: Halloween I |  |
10/15/13 | BWR-13-10-15 | Ben's Wacky Radio - October 15, 2013 Topic: Halloween 1 of 3 |  |
10/15/13 | MMS-175 | The Mad Music Show #175 - October 15, 2013 Topic: Halloween I: Darkness Beyond Twilight |  |
10/14/13 | MM-331 | Manic Mondays, Episode 331, October 14, 2013 Topic: The REAL Government Shutdown Episode! |  |
10/12/13 | AOTA-131012 | A-Log on the Airwaves, October 12, 2013 Topic: Halloween (Part 1 of 3) |  |
10/12/13 | 13-41 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-41 - October 12, 2013 Topic: The world part 2 | |
10/11/13 | MMDT20_13-41 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-41, October 11, 2013 Topic: Show 477 |  |
10/10/13 | ISGD-13-41 | I Still Get Demented #13-41 October 10, 2013 Topic: 25th Anniversary of The So-Great Debate of '88 and More From D.T. |  |
10/08/13 | BWR-13-10-08 | Ben's Wacky Radio - October 8, 2013 Topic: Chillin' with the Villains |  |
10/07/13 | MM-330 | Manic Mondays, Episode 330, October 7, 2013 Topic: Government Shutdown Edition |  |
10/05/13 | MMS-174 | The Mad Music Show #174 - October 5, 2013 Topic: Caffeine Crazy (with guest host Dave AuJus) |  |
10/05/13 | AOTA-131005 | A-Log on the Airwaves, October 5, 2013 Topic: Anime |  |
10/05/13 | 13-40 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-40 - October 5, 2013 Topic: The world | |
10/04/13 | MMDT20_13-40 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-40, October 4, 2013 Topic: Show 476 |  |
10/03/13 | ISGD-13-40 | I Still Get Demented #13-40 October 3, 2013 Topic: Catching Up Time! |  |
10/01/13 | BWR-13-10-01 | Ben's Wacky Radio - October 1, 2013 Topic: Alternative lifestyles |  |
09/30/13 | MMS-173 | The Mad Music Hour #173 - September 30, 2013 Topic: Fairy Stories About The Police |  |
09/30/13 | MM-329 | Manic Mondays, Episode 329, September 30, 2013 Topic: Monday Morning Messiahs |  |
09/28/13 | AOTA-130928 | A-Log on the Airwaves, September 28, 2013 Topic: Internet |  |
09/28/13 | 13-39 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-39 - September 28, 2013 Topic: Top ten | |
09/27/13 | MMDT20_13-39 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-39, September 27, 2013 Topic: Show 475 |  |
09/27/13 | MMCZ-13-39 | The Mad Music Comedy Zone #13-39 September 28, 2013 Topic: My album Crazy Commercials is discussed, along with playing tracks from the album. | |
09/26/13 | ISGD-13-39 | I Still Get Demented #13-39 September 26, 2013 Topic: The 10th Anniversary of ISGD part 10: 2010 part 1 of 2 |  |
09/24/13 | BWR-13-09-24 | Ben's Wacky Radio - September 24, 2013 Topic: Aliens |  |
09/23/13 | MMS-172 | The Mad Music Hour #172 - September 23, 2013 Topic: Organ Grinder 2 |  |
09/23/13 | MM-328 | Manic Mondays #328, September 23, 2013 Topic: Hostile Takeovers! |  |
09/21/13 | 13-38 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-38 - September 21, 2013 Topic: He/him | |
09/21/13 | AOTA-130921 | A-Log on the Airwaves, September 21, 2013 Topic: Back to School |  |
09/20/13 | MMDT20_13-38 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-38, September 20, 2013 Topic: Show 474 |  |
09/19/13 | ISGD-13-38 | I Still Get Demented #13-38 September 19, 2013 Topic: Catching Up in Part 1, Sock Hop Saturday Night in Part 2 |  |
09/17/13 | BWR-13-09-17 | Ben's Wacky Radio - September 17, 2013 Topic: Robots |  |
09/16/13 | MMS-171 | The Mad Music Hour #171 - September 16, 2013 Topic: Heat: Summer's Last Stand |  |
09/16/13 | MM-327 | Manic Mondays #327, September 16, 2013 Topic: Trout Fishing for Doritos and Meth |  |
09/14/13 | 13-37 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-37 - September 14, 2013 Topic: She | |
09/14/13 | AOTA-130914 | A-Log on the Airwaves, September 14, 2013 Topic: Hair |  |
09/13/13 | MMDT20_13-37 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-37, September 13, 2013 Topic: Show 473 |  |
09/12/13 | ISGD-13-37 | I Still Get Demented #13-37 September 12, 2013 Topic: The 10th Anniversary of ISGD part 9: 2009 part 2 of 2 Plus a Tribute to Johnny Cash |  |
09/10/13 | BWR-13-09-10 | Ben's Wacky Radio - September 10, 2013 Topic: A trip to Hawaii |  |
09/09/13 | MM-326 | Manic Mondays, Episode 326, September 9, 2013 Topic: The Fox, The Kale, and 9 Coronas |  |
09/07/13 | MMS-170 | The Mad Music Hour #170 - September 7, 2013 Topic: Meat: Can't Beat It |  |
09/07/13 | 13-36 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-36 - September 7, 2013 Topic: Clothes | |
09/07/13 | AOTA-130907 | A-Log on the Airwaves, September 7, 2013 Topic: Parodies |  |
09/06/13 | MMDT20_13-36 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-36, September 6, 2013 Topic: Show 472 |  |
09/05/13 | ISGD-13-36 | I Still Get Demented #13-36 September 5, 2013 Topic: The 47th Anniversary of Star Trek |  |
09/03/13 | BWR-13-09-03 | Ben's Wacky Radio - September 3, 2013 Topic: Children's music |  |
09/02/13 | MM-325 | Manic Mondays, Episode 325, September 3, 2013 Topic: Camp Grenada, 50 Years Later |  |
09/01/13 | MMS-169 | The Mad Music Show #169 - September 1, 2013 Topic: Labor Day (with guest host Dave AuJus) |  |
08/31/13 | 13-35 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-35 - August 31, 2013 Topic: Working; top ten | |
08/31/13 | AOTA-130831 | A-Log on the Airwaves, August 31, 2013 Topic: Cats |  |
08/30/13 | MMDT20_13-35 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-35, August 30, 2013 Topic: Show 471 |  |
08/28/13 | ISGD-13-35 | I Still Get Demented #13-35 August 28, 2013 Topic: Catching Up Time |  |
08/27/13 | BWR-13-08-27 | Ben's Wacky Radio - August 27, 2013 Topic: Rock 'n' Roll |  |
08/26/13 | MMS-168 | The Mad Music Hour #168 - August 26, 2013 Topic: Blowin' In The Wind |  |
08/26/13 | MM-324 | Manic Mondays, Episode 324, August 26, 2013 Topic: WHY?! |  |
08/24/13 | 13-34 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-34 - August 24, 2013 Topic: Vacations | |
08/24/13 | AOTA-130824 | A-Log on the Airwaves, August 24, 2013 Topic: Dogs |  |
08/23/13 | MMDT20_13-34 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-34, August 23, 2013 Topic: Show 470 |  |
08/22/13 | ISGD-13-34 | I Still Get Demented #13-34 August 22, 2013 Topic: Doggie Ditties/Kitty Ditties |  |
08/20/13 | BWR-13-08-20 | Ben's Wacky Radio - August 20, 2013 Topic: Medical wackiness! |  |
08/19/13 | MM-323 | Manic Mondays, Episode 323, August 19, 2013 Topic: Isn’t It Moronic? |  |
08/18/13 | MMS-167 | The Mad Music Hour #167 - August 18, 2013 Topic: Dullsville: Songs Of The Mundane |  |
08/17/13 | 13-33 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-33 - August 17, 2013 Topic: Cats get equal time | |
08/17/13 | AOTA-130817 | A-Log on the Airwaves, August 17, 2013 Topic: Elvis Presley (He Left the Building 36 Years Ago...) |  |
08/16/13 | MMDT20_13-33 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-33, August 16, 2013 Topic: Show 469 |  |
08/15/13 | ISGD-13-33 | I Still Get Demented #13-33 August 15, 2013 Topic: The 10th Anniversary of ISGD part 8: 2009 part 1 of 2 |  |
08/13/13 | BWR-13-08-13 | Ben's Wacky Radio - August 13, 2013 Topic: Sick humor |  |
08/12/13 | MM-322 | Manic Mondays, Episode 322, August 12, 2013 Topic: Girl Balls |  |
08/10/13 | 13-32 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-32 - August 10, 2013 Topic: Dogs | |
08/10/13 | AOTA-130810 | A-Log on the Airwaves, August 10, 2013 Topic: Records |  |
08/09/13 | MMS-166 | The Mad Music Hour #166 - August 9, 2013 Topic: Birthday: Death Is One Day Closer! Yay! |  |
08/09/13 | MMDT20_13-32 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-32, August 9, 2013 Topic: Show 468 |  |
08/08/13 | ISGD-13-32 | I Still Get Demented #13-32 August 8, 2013 Topic: Coupe d'Etat, and the very first edition of the Dementia Top 20 from January 8, 2005 |  |
08/06/13 | BWR-13-08-06 | Ben's Wacky Radio - August 6, 2013 Topic: Style parodies |  |
08/05/13 | MM-321 | Manic Mondays, Episode 321, August 5, 2013 Topic: Douchebag McShitforbrains |  |
08/03/13 | 13-31 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-31 - August 3, 2013 Topic: Tobacco | |
08/03/13 | AOTA-130803 | A-Log on the Airwaves, August 3, 2013 Topic: Random Choice |  |
08/02/13 | MMDT20_13-31 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-31, August 2, 2013 Topic: Show 467 |  |
08/01/13 | ISGD-13-31 | I Still Get Demented #13-31 August 1, 2013 Topic: 40th Anniversary Salute to "American Graffiti" |  |
07/30/13 | BWR-13-07-30 | Ben's Wacky Radio - July 30, 2013 Topic: Ladies of funny music |  |
07/29/13 | MM-320 | Manic Mondays, Episode 320, July 29, 2013 Topic: Programmed for Comedy |  |
07/28/13 | MMS-165 | The Mad Music Hour #165 - July 28, 2013 Topic: Monkey Shines |  |
07/27/13 | AOTA-130727 | A-Log on the Airwaves, July 27, 2013 Topic: Foreign Dementia |  |
07/26/13 | MMDT20_13-30 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-30, July 26, 2013 Topic: Show 466 |  |
07/24/13 | ISGD-13-30 | I Still Get Demented #13-30 July 24, 2013 Topic: More Christmas in July |  |
07/23/13 | BWR-13-07-23 | Ben's Wacky Radio - July 23, 2013 Topic: Country funnies part 2 of 2 |  |
07/22/13 | MM-319 | Manic Mondays, Episode 319, July 22, 2013 Topic: Queen of Tax Fraud! |  |
07/20/13 | MMS-164 | The Mad Music Hour #164 - July 20, 2013 Topic: Christmas In July, 2013: It's (Summer) Solstice Time Again |  |
07/20/13 | 13-29 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-29 - July 20, 2013 Topic: Vegetables & fruit | |
07/20/13 | AOTA-130720 | A-Log on the Airwaves - July 20, 2013 Topic: A Wacked-Out Vacation |  |
07/19/13 | MMDT20_13-29 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-29, July 19, 2013 Topic: Show 465 |  |
07/17/13 | ISGD-13-29 | I Still Get Demented #13-29 July 17, 2013 Topic: Christmas in July 2013 (originally one part, it's now part 1 of 2) |  |
07/16/13 | BWR-13-07-16 | Ben's Wacky Radio - July 16, 2013 Topic: Country funnies part 1 of 2 |  |
07/15/13 | MM-318 | Manic Mondays, Episode 318, July 15, 2013 Topic: Legal Advice |  |
07/13/13 | AOTA-130713 | A-Log on the Airwaves, July 13, 2013 Topic: Star Wars |  |
07/13/13 | 13-28 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-28 - July 13, 2013 Topic: Random choice rules | |
07/12/13 | MMDT20_13-28 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-28, July 12, 2013 Topic: Show 464 |  |
07/11/13 | ISGD-13-28 | I Still Get Demented #13-28 July 11, 2013 Topic: Catching Up! |  |
07/09/13 | BWR-13-07-09 | Ben's Wacky Radio - July 9, 2013 Topic: The year 2005 |  |
07/08/13 | MM-317 | Manic Mondays, Episode 317, July 8, 2013 Topic: Guest host: Mur Lafferty! |  |
07/07/13 | MMS-163 | The Mad Music Show #163 - July 7, 2013 Topic: Is It Dementia? |  |
07/06/13 | 13-27 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-27 - July 6, 2013 Topic: Two wheels | |
07/06/13 | AOTA-130706 | A-Log on the Airwaves, July 6, 2013 Topic: Kids |  |
07/05/13 | MMDT20_13-27 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-27, July 5, 2013 Topic: Show 463 - Live From CONvergence 2013 |  |
07/04/13 | MMDT20_13-HY | Mad Music Top 25 of the Half Year 2013 Topic: Mad Music Top 25 of the Half Year 2013 |  |
07/03/13 | ISGD-13-27 | I Still Get Demented #13-27 July 3, 2013 Topic: Dementia and Alternative Resurrection |  |
07/02/13 | BWR-13-07-02 | Ben's Wacky Radio - July 2, 2013 Topic: All-American (the wackier side of America) |  |
07/01/13 | MM-316 | Manic Mondays, Episode 316, July 1, 2013 Topic: FuMPFest announced! |  |
06/29/13 | 13-26 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-26 - June 29, 2013 Topic: America | |
06/29/13 | AOTA-130629 | A-Log on the Airwaves, June 29, 2013 Topic: All-American Dementia! |  |
06/28/13 | MMDT20_13-26 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-26, June 28, 2013 Topic: Show 462 |  |
06/27/13 | ISGD-13-26 | I Still Get Demented #13-26 June 27, 2013 Topic: Canada, America, and a Tribute to Michael Jackson |  |
06/25/13 | BWR-13-06-25 | Ben's Wacky Radio - June 25, 2013 Topic: Interview with Samuel Stokes |  |
06/24/13 | MM-315 | Manic Mondays, Episode 315, June 22, 2013 Topic: Live From LukeSkiCon! |  |
06/22/13 | AOTA-130622 | A-Log on the Airwaves, June 22, 2013 Topic: Summertime |  |
06/22/13 | 13-25 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-25 - June 22, 2013 Topic: Top ten | |
06/21/13 | MMDT20_13-25 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-25, June 21, 2013 Topic: Show 461 |  |
06/21/13 | ISGD-13-25 | I Still Get Demented #13-25 June 22, 2013 Topic: The 10th Anniversary of ISGD part 7: 2008 II |  |
06/18/13 | BWR-13-06-18 | Ben's Wacky Radio - June 18, 2013 Topic: It's summertime! |  |
06/17/13 | MM-314 | Manic Mondays, Episode 314, June 15, 2013 Topic: Pi |  |
06/15/13 | 13-24 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-24 - June 15, 2013 Topic: Fatherly songs | |
06/15/13 | AOTA-130615 | A-Log on the Airwaves, June 15, 2013 Topic: Father's Day |  |
06/14/13 | MMDT20_13-24 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-24, June 14, 2013 Topic: Show 460 |  |
06/13/13 | ISGD-13-24 | I Still Get Demented #13-24 June 15, 2013 Topic: Demented Daddies |  |
06/11/13 | BWR-13-06-11 | Ben's Wacky Radio - June 11, 2013 Topic: The wackier side of fatherhood |  |
06/08/13 | 13-23 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-23 - June 8, 2013 Topic: a salute to summer | |
06/08/13 | MMS-162 | The Mad Music Hour #162 - June 8, 2013 Topic: Organ Grinder 1 |  |
06/08/13 | AOTA-130608 | A-Log on the Airwaves, June 8, 2013 Topic: Babies |  |
06/07/13 | MMDT20_13-23 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-23, June 7, 2013 Topic: Show 459 |  |
06/06/13 | ISGD-13-23 | I Still Get Demented #13-23 June 8, 2013 Topic: More Resurrection Requests |  |
06/05/13 | KMCC_7-10 | Kahn Man's Comedy Corner, Episode 07-10 Topic: Season Finale - Guest co-host TV's Kyle, Part 1! |  |
06/04/13 | BWR-13-06-04 | Ben's Wacky Radio - June 4, 2013 Topic: The year 2004 |  |
06/03/13 | MM-313 | Manic Mondays, Episode #313, June 3, 2013 Topic: See Something Say Something |  |
06/01/13 | 13-22 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-22 - June 1, 2013 Topic: Jazz | |
06/01/13 | AOTA-130601 | A-Log on the Airwaves, June 1, 2013 Topic: Novelty #1's |  |
05/31/13 | MMDT20_13-22 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-22, May 31, 2013 Topic: Show 458 |  |
05/30/13 | ISGD-13-22 | I Still Get Demented #13-22 June 1, 2013 Topic: Summer Movie Adventures |  |
05/28/13 | BWR-13-05-28 | Ben's Wacky Radio - May 28, 2013 Topic: More food songs |  |
05/27/13 | MM-312 | Manic Mondays, Episode #312, May 27, 2013 Topic: It’s All Fun and Games Until A Princess Loses Her Cool |  |
05/26/13 | MMS-161 | The Mad Music Hour #161 - May 26, 2013 Topic: Mix Tape 1983 |  |
05/25/13 | 13-21 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-21 - May 25, 2013 Topic: Top ten; Mark Cohen interview | |
05/25/13 | AOTA-130525 | A-Log on the Airwaves, May 25, 2013 Topic: Wacked-Out Tribute to the Troops! |  |
05/24/13 | MMDT20_13-21 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-21, May 24, 2013 Topic: Show 457 - Revenge's 18th Anniversary - The Year in Review |  |
05/23/13 | ISGD-13-21 | I Still Get Demented #13-21 May 25, 2013 Topic: Dementia and Alternative Resurrection Requests |  |
05/21/13 | BWR-13-05-21 | Ben's Wacky Radio - May 21, 2013 Topic: Remembering fallen comedy artists |  |
05/20/13 | MM-311 | Manic Mondays, Episode #311, May 20, 2013 Topic: Adult Supervision Required |  |
05/18/13 | AOTA-130518 | A-Log on the Airwaves, May 18, 2013 Topic: Star Trek |  |
05/18/13 | 13-20 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-20 - May 18, 2013 Topic: a lot of great a cappella songs we didn't get to in January | |
05/17/13 | MMDT20_13-20 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-20, May 17, 2013 Topic: Show 456 |  |
05/16/13 | ISGD-13-20 | I Still Get Demented #13-20 May 18, 2013 Topic: The 10th Anniversary of ISGD part 6: 2008 I |  |
05/14/13 | BWR-13-05-14 | Ben's Wacky Radio - May 14, 2013 Topic: The 100th (podcast) episode of Ben's Wacky Radio! |  |
05/11/13 | AOTA-130511 | A-Log on the Airwaves, May 11, 2013 Topic: Mother's Day |  |
05/11/13 | 13-19 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-19 - May 11, 2013 Topic: Happy Mother's Day | |
05/10/13 | MMDT20_13-19 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-19, May 10, 2013 Topic: Show 455 |  |
05/09/13 | ISGD-13-19 | I Still Get Demented #13-19 May 11, 2013 Topic: The Mothers of Dementian |  |
05/07/13 | BWR-13-05-07 | Ben's Wacky Radio - May 7, 2013 Topic: The wackier side of motherhood |  |
05/07/13 | KMCC_7-09 | Kahn Man's Comedy Corner, Episode 07-09 Topic: Another Mixed Bag! |  |
05/06/13 | MM-309 | Manic Mondays, Episode #309, May 6, 2013 Topic: The No No Devo Wacky Wacky Show Show |  |
05/04/13 | AOTA-130504 | A-Log on the Airwaves, May 4, 2013 Topic: Cold War Dementia |  |
05/04/13 | 13-18 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-18 - May 4, 2013 Topic: curious places | |
05/03/13 | MMDT20_13-18 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-18, May 3, 2013 Topic: Show 454 |  |
05/03/13 | ISGD-13-18 | I Still Get Demented #13-18 May 4, 2013 Topic: Star Wars Day, and My Kickstarter Campaign Launch |  |
04/30/13 | BWR-13-04-30 | Ben's Wacky Radio - April 30, 2013 Topic: Interview with Insane Ian |  |
04/29/13 | MM-308 | Manic Mondays, Episode #308, April 29, 2013 Topic: Future Train Wreck |  |
04/27/13 | 13-17 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-17 - April 27, 2013 Topic: Top ten | |
04/27/13 | AOTA-130427 | A-Log on the Airwaves, April 27, 2013 Topic: The Funnier Side of Censorship (Plus an interview with Devin Lucas, director of "Under the Smogberry Trees") |  |
04/26/13 | MMDT20_13-17 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-17, April 26, 2013 Topic: Show 453 |  |
04/25/13 | ISGD-13-17 | I Still Get Demented #13-17 April 27, 2013 Topic: David Tanny's Birthday. He plays what he wants until the Top 5. Also Weird Al, Double-Double sets, an entire Jonathan Winters album, and the return of All My Children! |  |
04/23/13 | BWR-13-04-23 | Ben's Wacky Radio - April 23, 2013 Topic: Wacky musicals |  |
04/22/13 | MM-307 | Manic Mondays, Episode #307, April 22, 2013 Topic: vs. Evil |  |
04/20/13 | 13-16 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-16 - April 20, 2013 Topic: Earth Day | |
04/20/13 | AOTA-130420 | A-Log on the Airwaves, April 20, 2013 Topic: Drugs |  |
04/19/13 | MMDT20_13-16 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-16, April 19, 2013 Topic: Show 452 |  |
04/18/13 | ISGD-13-16 | I Still Get Demented #13-16 April 20, 2013 Topic: Catching Up on Songs We Never Played Before plus a 4/20 Special |  |
04/16/13 | BWR-13-04-16 | Ben's Wacky Radio - April 16, 2013 Topic: Soft comedy songs |  |
04/15/13 | MM-306 | Manic Mondays, Episode #306, April 15, 2013 Topic: Arms For America |  |
04/13/13 | AOTA-130413 | A-Log on the Airwaves, April 13, 2013 Topic: Me, Myself and I |  |
04/13/13 | 13-15 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-15 - April 13, 2013 Topic: the absence of clothes | |
04/12/13 | MMDT20_13-15 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-15, April 12, 2013 Topic: Show 451 |  |
04/11/13 | ISGD-13-15 | I Still Get Demented #13-15 April 13, 2013 Topic: Catching Up on Songs We Never Played Before |  |
04/09/13 | BWR-13-04-09 | Ben's Wacky Radio - April 9, 2013 Topic: The year 2003 |  |
04/08/13 | MM-305 | Manic Mondays, Episode #305, April 8, 2013 Topic: Mondays In The Morning |  |
04/06/13 | AOTA-130406 | A-Log on the Airwaves, April 6, 2013 Topic: Villains |  |
04/06/13 | 13014 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-14 - April 6, 2013 Topic: clothing | |
04/05/13 | MMDT20_13-14 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-14, April 5, 2013 Topic: Show 450 |  |
04/04/13 | ISGD-13-14 | I Still Get Demented #13-14 April 6, 2013 Topic: The 10th Anniversary of ISGD part 5: 2007 |  |
04/03/13 | KMCC_7-08 | Kahn Man's Comedy Corner, Episode 07-08 Topic: Kahn Man's Mixed Bag! |  |
04/02/13 | BWR-13-04-02 | Ben's Wacky Radio - April 2, 2013 Topic: Bubblegum music |  |
04/01/13 | MM-304 | Manic Mondays, Episode #304, April 1, 2013 Topic: Annunaki Invasion |  |
03/30/13 | 13-13 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-13 - March 30, 2013 Topic: It's top ten time | |
03/30/13 | AOTA-130330 | A-Log on the Airwaves, March 30, 2013 Topic: Easter/Babies |  |
03/29/13 | MMDT20_13/13 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-13, March 29, 2013 Topic: Show 449 |  |
03/28/13 | ISGD-13-13 | I Still Get Demented #13-13 March 30, 2013 Topic: Doubling Up on Requests! |  |
03/27/13 | MMCZ-13-13 | The Mad Music Comedy Zone #13-13 March 30, 2013 Topic: Easter Six Pack 2013 |  |
03/26/13 | BWR-13-03-26 | Ben's Wacky Radio - March 26, 2013 Topic: Easter wackiness |  |
03/25/13 | MM-303 | Manic Mondays, Episode #303, March 25, 2013 Topic: Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em |  |
03/23/13 | 13-12 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-12 - March 23, 2013 Topic: Trains | |
03/23/13 | AOTA-130323 | A-Log on the Airwaves, March 23, 2013 Topic: Video Games |  |
03/22/13 | MMDT20_13-12 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-12, March 22, 2013 Topic: Show 448 |  |
03/21/13 | ISGD-13-12 | I Still Get Demented #13-12 March 23, 2013 Topic: Catching Up on Songs We Never Played Before |  |
03/19/13 | BWR-13-03-19 | Ben's Wacky Radio - March 19, 2013 Topic: Springtime wackiness |  |
03/16/13 | 13-11 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-11 - March 16, 2013 Topic: Happy St. Patrick's Day (demented discs with an Irish twist) | |
03/16/13 | AOTA-130316 | A-Log on the Airwaves, March 16, 2013 Topic: St. Patrick's Day/Green |  |
03/15/13 | MMDT20_13-11 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-11, March 15, 2013 Topic: Show 447 |  |
03/15/13 | AOTA-130315 | A-Log on the Airwaves - March 15, 2013 Topic: Comic Relief Red Nose Day 2013 |  |
03/13/13 | ISGD-13-11 | I Still Get Demented #13-11 March 16, 2013 Topic: Catching Up on Songs We Never Played Before |  |
03/13/13 | MM-310 | Manic Mondays, Episode #310, May 13, 2013 Topic: A Story From A Train |  |
03/12/13 | BWR-13-03-12 | Ben's Wacky Radio - March 12, 2013 Topic: The funnier side of St. Patrick's Day |  |
03/11/13 | MM-302 | Manic Mondays, Episode #302, March 11, 2013 Topic: Non-Luke-Style Bacon |  |
03/09/13 | 13-10 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-10 - March 9, 2013 Topic: demented jazz | |
03/09/13 | AOTA-130309 | A-Log on the Airwaves, March 9, 2013 Topic: One-Play Wonders (plus 2013 Logan Award winners) |  |
03/08/13 | MMDT20_13-10 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-10, March 8, 2013 Topic: Show 446 |  |
03/07/13 | ISGD-13-10 | I Still Get Demented #13-10 March 9, 2013 Topic: The 10th Anniversary of ISGD part 4: 2006 |  |
03/05/13 | BWR-13-03-05 | Ben's Wacky Radio - March 5, 2013 Topic: The year 2002 |  |
03/05/13 | KMCC_7-07 | Kahn Man's Comedy Corner, Episode 07-07 Topic: Beatles Parodies, Volume 3! |  |
03/04/13 | MM-301 | Manic Mondays, Episode #301, March 4, 2013 Topic: Fabulous At Forty |  |
03/02/13 | 12-09 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-09 - March 2, 2013 Topic: Food | |
03/02/13 | AOTA-130302 | A-Log on the Airwaves, March 2, 2013 Topic: Crazy Country |  |
03/01/13 | MMDT20_13-09 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-09, March 1, 2013 Topic: Show 445 - Live From MarsCon 2013 |  |
02/28/13 | ISGD-13-09 | I Still Get Demented #13-09 March 2, 2013 Topic: The Winners! |  |
02/26/13 | BWR-13-02-26 | Ben's Wacky Radio - February 26, 2013 Topic: Food songs |  |
02/25/13 | MM-300 | Manic Mondays, Episode #300, February 25, 2013 Topic: Episode 300 Happy Fun Time Spectacular! |  |
02/23/13 | 13-08 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-08 - February 23, 2013 Topic: Top ten | |
02/23/13 | AOTA-130223 | A-Log on the Airwaves, February 23, 2013 Topic: Computers |  |
02/22/13 | MMDT20_13-08 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-08, February 22, 2013 Topic: Show 444 |  |
02/21/13 | ISGD-13-08 | I Still Get Demented #13-08 February 23, 2013 Topic: Catching Up on Songs We Never Played Before |  |
02/19/13 | BWR-13-02-19 | Ben's Wacky Radio - February 19, 2013 Topic: Break-up songs |  |
02/18/13 | MM-299 | Manic Mondays, Episode #299, February 18, 2013 Topic: Lucky Man, Holy Man, Gamer Man |  |
02/16/13 | 13-07 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-07 - February 16, 2013 Topic: Computers | |
02/16/13 | AOTA-130216 | A-Log on the Airwaves, February 16, 2013 Topic: Breaking Up Sucks For You! |  |
02/15/13 | MMDT20_13-07 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-07, February 15, 2013 Topic: Show 443 |  |
02/13/13 | ISGD-13-07 | I Still Get Demented #13-07 February 16, 2013 Topic: Catching Up on Songs We Never Played Before |  |
02/12/13 | BWR-13-02-12 | Ben's Wacky Radio - February 12, 2013 Topic: Silly love songs |  |
02/11/13 | MM-298 | Manic Mondays, Episode #298, February 11, 2013 Topic: You’re Not The Only One Who’s Broke |  |
02/09/13 | 13-06 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-06 - February 9, 2013 Topic: Demented love songs | |
02/09/13 | AOTA-130209 | A-Log on the Airwaves, February 9, 2013 Topic: Our Annual Valentine's Day Special! |  |
02/08/13 | MMDT20_13-06 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-06, February 8, 2013 Topic: Show 442 |  |
02/07/13 | ISGD-13-06 | I Still Get Demented #13-06 February 9, 2013 Topic: The 30th Anniversary of 91X part 3: 1984-89 novelties |  |
02/06/13 | KMCC_7-06 | Kahn Man's Comedy Corner, Episode 07-06 Topic: Eighties Parodies, Volume 3! |  |
02/05/13 | BWR-13-02-05 | Ben's Wacky Radio - February 5, 2013 Topic: The year 2001 |  |
02/04/13 | MM-297 | Manic Mondays, Episode #297, February 4, 2013 Topic: YOLO JoCo Oh No! |  |
02/02/13 | AOTA-130202 | A-Log on the Airwaves, February 2, 2013 Topic: African-American Dementia |  |
02/02/13 | 13-05 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-05 - February 2, 2013 Topic: Party records | |
02/01/13 | MMDT20_13-05 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-05, February 1, 2013 Topic: Show 441 |  |
01/31/13 | ISGD-13-05 | I Still Get Demented #13-05 February 2, 2013 Topic: The 10th Anniversary of ISGD part 3: 2005 |  |
01/29/13 | BWR-13-01-29 | Ben's Wacky Radio - January 29, 2013 Topic: Beatles parodies |  |
01/28/13 | MM-296 | Manic Mondays, Episode #296, January 28, 2013 Topic: JoCo Got Jacked |  |
01/26/13 | 03-04 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-04 - January 26, 2013 Topic: The first top ten of the year | |
01/26/13 | AOTA-130126 | A-Log on the Airwaves, January 26, 2013 Topic: The Wide Wacky World of Sports |  |
01/25/13 | MMDT20_13-04 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-04, January 25, 2013 Topic: Show 440 |  |
01/24/13 | ISGD-13-04 | I Still Get Demented #13-04 January 26, 2013 Topic: The 30th Anniversary of 91X part 2: 1983 part 2 |  |
01/22/13 | BWR-13-01-22 | Ben's Wacky Radio - January 22, 2013 Topic: WTF songs |  |
01/21/13 | MM-295 | Manic Mondays, Episode #295, January 21, 2013 Topic: Lost and Invisible |  |
01/19/13 | 13-03 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-03 - January 19, 2013 Topic: Random choice | |
01/19/13 | AOTA-130119 | A-Log on the Airwaves, January 19, 2013 Topic: Police |  |
01/18/13 | MMDT20_13-03 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-03, January 18, 2013 Topic: Show 439 |  |
01/17/13 | ISGD-13-03 | I Still Get Demented #13-03 January 19, 2013 Topic: The 10th Anniversary of ISGD Part 4: 2004 |  |
01/15/13 | BWR-13-01-15 | Ben's Wacky Radio - January 15, 2013 Topic: Superheroes |  |
01/14/13 | MM-294 | Manic Mondays, Episode #294, January 14, 2013 Topic: My Shoulder Hurts |  |
01/12/13 | 13-02 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-02 - January 12, 2013 Topic: A cappella | |
01/12/13 | AOTA-130112 | A-Log on the Airwaves - January 12, 2013 Topic: Telephones |  |
01/11/13 | MMDT20_13-02 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-02, January 11, 2013 Topic: Show 438 |  |
01/10/13 | ISGD-13-02 | I Still Get Demented #13-02 January 12, 2013 Topic: The 30th Anniversary of 91X part 1: 1983 part 1 |  |
01/08/13 | BWR-13-01-08 | Ben's Wacky Radio - January 8, 2013 Topic: The year 2000 |  |
01/07/13 | MM-293 | Manic Mondays, Episode #293, January 7, 2013 Topic: Welcome To 2013! |  |
01/05/13 | 13-01 | The Dr. Demento Show #13-01 - January 5, 2013 Topic: Instrumental dementia | |
01/05/13 | AOTA-130105 | A-Log on the Airwaves, January 5, 2013 Topic: A Trip Through the Wacked-Out Asylum for the Hilariously Insane! (insanity) |  |
01/04/13 | MMDT20_13-01 | Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 13-01, January 4, 2013 Topic: Show 437 |  |
01/03/13 | ISGD-13-01 | I Still Get Demented #13-01 January 5, 2013 Topic: The 10th Anniversary of ISGD Part 1: 2003 |  |
01/01/13 | BWR-13-01-01 | Ben's Wacky Radio - January 1, 2013 Topic: The Wacky 30 of 2012! |  |