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This form is used to create a new user account on this site. User accounts are required for posting any comments or listening to any of the shows. The system will e-mail an activation link to you upon successful creation of the account. Once you activate your account using that link, you are registered and have full access! The system will periodically e-mail verification links to make sure your account is still up to date, but this will be done infrequently. * = Required field.

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NOTE: RATED-G IMAGES ONLY! This image file will be displayed next to all of your posts.
It should be limited to 100 pixels wide by 100 pixels high if possible.
The image should be a JPG or GIF (and can be an animated GIF, but animated GIFs will loose their animation if they are over 64k). BMPs should be avoided if possible.
You can also select an image from our Avatar Gallery after you register.

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