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Listening to Song Samples

To listen to song samples it is suggested you get WinAMP ( which is a free player that will stream the samples. The system sends a playlist file (.M3U) which is handled locally by your PC. If song samples do not play then look for a player that can play .M3U files outside your browser. NOTE: By default most systems use the Windows Media Player embedded in a browser window. This is not the best solution as you cannot listen and browse the site at the same time.

You can also listen using our new online MP3 player. At the bottom of each playlist is a link that switches between the WinAMP-type local player and our online Flash-based player (Flash is required for the online player). The site remembers which one you used last (if you are logged-in) and will use that as your preference. By default the site shows our online player.


Listening to Shows

All shows on this site are streamable free of charge - except for the Doctor Demento show. They appear as playlists only. See the section above (Listening to Song Samples) for help if you cannot seem to stream a show. Not all songs found in the archive can be heard in their entirety. Only songs played on the shows are available for free streaming. These are designated on the "song details" pages by a musical note icon beside the show(s) they are heard on. There are also quite a few songs that you can download for free. They are designated as free on their individual song pages.


YOUR "MadSpace" PAGE

You can access your MadSpace using the link below the toolbar on the far right or you can access other members' MadSpace pages by clicking nicknames where they appear in blue on the site. You can also click on nicknames under facts, reviews or lyrics on the song, album or artist pages.

Your page contains basic information about you which you can add to in the 'interests' section. You can send e-mail or instant messages to other members, personalize your page further with photos and avatars or write in your blog. You can also share files using the "My Files" feature.

You can also invite others to be your friend by accessing their MadSpace page and clicking the 'Add to Friends' icon next to the smiley. The invited member will receive an instant message and an e-mail announcing the invite and be instructed to go to the 'Manage My Friends' section of their MadSpace where they can accept or decline the invitation. When they've decided, you will receive a message and mail with their decision. It's not necessary to send another friend request in return. This will only result in multiple avatars on the MadSpace pages.



One of the things we've always struggled with was the debate between freedom of speech and the desire to offend as few as possible. To find a good middle ground we have installed an "automatic censor" which will hide offensive words by putting * characters in place of offensive words. This is managed by an option on your My Account page - If you set is to "Censor Offensive Material" it will * the words. If you turn this "Nanny Switch" off, then the words will appear as the author intended them to be - in all their graphic detail. Of course, if you are not logged in, all words are censored "to protect the little children" .


User Levels

Members are given different levels and different colors on the Friends page and the Who's Online page. The different levels are based on the length of time they have been a member and the amount of participation they have with the website. Generally...

New Today (Green)These are members who have created their account within the last 24 hours.
New in Past 30 Days (Purple)These are members who have created their account within the last 30 days, but more than 24 hours ago.
Established Members (Black)These members have been signed-up for more than 30 days but have not yet achieved "Old-Timer" or "Participant' levels.
Participant (Gold)These are members who take an active role in the website - they post frequently in the forums, they fill-in artist, song and album details & facts - their participation is noticed as 'above and beyond' most members. There is no formula for this - it is up to Captain Wayne and Tim Ryan (Moderator) who gets to be a member of this group.
Old-Timers (Red)These are the 25 oldest active members. Typically they have been members since the very beginning and are the ones you should direct questions to (other than Captain Wayne) and whose answers and guidance you can trust.

Adding Song Details

The song details pages now have new categories to fill. This is being done to provide more detailed song information and to credit as many of those involved as possible. Some explanations of the terms:

Release Date- For a FuMP song, it can mean the day of its release, but for an older song, the year will do also. Just be as accurate as possible.

Lyrics/Music By- These are separate now. If you know the info for both, fine, but if not, put the same author in both. For a comedy bit rather than a song, there's no music, so "N/A" goes under "Music By:".

Released By/Published By- This is something that needs a bit of explanation. "Released By" means the greedy corporation that wants $20 for the CD of the album. Sony, Warner Music, Virgin...etc. "Published By" means the music publishing company that published the song or bit itself. Often, the artists create their own companies for this purpose to save cash. There was a bit of a mix up on the page with this originally and I asked Wayne to clarify it. Adding this detail also helps keep the lawyers away. And I don't have to put it in HTML on the bottom of the lyrics box anymore.

Licensing- Refers to the affiliation of the song- not the artist. This could be to ASCAP, BMI or SESAC and affiliations and their code number can be found at their respective websites..sometimes. Songs can also be released under Creative Commons and there's an option on the page to add that if it is. Always try to find out for sure first.

Keywords- Are generic, descriptive terms used to describe what the song or comedy bit is about and the sorts of things it contains. This is what it should be like- and in general, how a well filled out page can look: Yuleman vs. the Anti-Claus by The Bobs

Reviews- Write your own song review for the song. In addition to reviews, opinions and comments should go here and not under "facts".

Facts- Trivia, facts (naturally), lyrical explanations and other details about the song should go here. Facts about the artist or album rather than the song itself should be put on their artist or album pages.

Web Pages About This Song- When adding URLs to this, after saving, check the page to ensure a link has been added automatically. If it hasn't, then choose 'edit', go back in and add one manually in the box indicated on the 'edit' screen. It would also be helpful to erase any inoperative links you find that you've added in the past.

Where To Buy- Self explanatory. Add a purchase link other than Amazon.

Song Lyrics- When adding lyrics, avoid using all capitals or no capitals. If 'cut & paste' is used, credit where it came from under 'facts' and check it for accuracy.

Add A Video For This Song- To add a video, just hit the link, then follow the instructions on the left of the edit box. Videos added should be of the song itself, preferably by the original artist and not a parody. On this site, a parody would have its own song page.

Rate This Song- Mouse over the row of stars and click to give it your rating. Above the rating stars box, you can click to vote for a song to be on the Mad Music Show.

Song Images- Self explanatory. Images about the artist should always be added to the artist page images box.


Adding Artist Details

The artist details pages now have new categories to fill. This is being done to provide more detailed song information and to credit as many of those involved as possible. Some explanations of the terms:

Contact- Add an E-mail address for the artist.

Date Born/Group Began- Add a solo artist's birth date or the date the group began.

Date Died/Group Ended- Add the date the solo artist died or the date the group ended.

Also Known As- Add real name of the artist or any or all of the stage names the artist used.

Members- Add the name used by the artist. This can be rather important since adding the same name to multiple artist pages will link them and will appear as "See Also" in a box directly below this one. "See Also" cannot be added to if it appears. It's simply a list of links the page connects to that's determined by what was added to the "Members" box. On the editing screen, add the full artist name, their instrument if any and the dates their careers began and ended. It's all right if the dates aren't known. Leaving them blank won't impair the function when hitting 'save changes'.

Tell Us About This Artist- This is meant to be a general overview of the artist's life and career. Reviews should go in the spot directly below this one.

Reviews- Add a review of the artist's work.

Facts- Facts about the artist or group themselves and not their individual works. There are 'facts' categories on song and album details pages and facts about the artist's works should go there.

Web Pages About This Artist- Add web pages about the artist. If no page title info appears automatically after adding and saving the page, press the edit link and manually add a title for the link on the edit screen.

Artist Images- Category is found on the bottom of the page's right column. Add a picture related to the artist.


Adding Album Details

It should be noted first that an album details page can be attributed to many kinds of media and not necessarily a CD or LP. An album page can also be used for a TV show, an MP3 download album, a home video, a 78 rpm or Edison cylinder release and other such things.

Add The Album's Tagline- Add a line or lines that best symbolizes the album. What's added here should put forward the 'feel' or attitudes expressed in the album. This is nearly always a definitive line from the album, but can also be a line or two from the liner notes.

Tell Us About This Album- Like the similar category on artist pages, this is meant to be an overview of the work rather than a review. Opinions about the work should go under 'reviews' and trivia about it under 'facts'.

Releases- Hit the 'add a new release' link and, on the edit screen that comes up, add a year of release. Then use the drop down menu arrow and choose a format under 'type'. Under 'label, add the record label that released the album. There usually is one, but not always. The 'catalog' number is the one the aforementioned label (company) uses to categorize the album.

Reviews- Add an album review. All opinion about the album goes here.

Facts- Trivia, factoids, liner note musings and other snippets of album related things should be entered here.

Web Pages About This Artist- Add web pages about the artist. If no page title info appears automatically after adding and saving the page, press the edit link and manually add a title for the link on the edit screen.

Where To Buy- Add a purchase link for the album.

We'll be adding more to this page shortly - but if you want to suggest specific topics, please e-mail me! (

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