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t’s “Luke & Carrie’s Bad Rapport”, a new PodCast based on all the old PodCasts, with your hosts the great Luke Ski and Carrie Dahlby. Join them as they drone on and on about whatever they feel like yapping about, as they constantly interrupt each other and pick fights with each other over silly pop-culture issues that don’t matter and no one cares about. The monotony will be broken up by a few comedy songs, both old and new, as well as “NEWS OF THE STUPID”, done with the blessing of Devo Spice (host of the formerly existent PodCast “Manic Mondays”) as compiled by Cary Whitney (feel free to submit stories to us as well). So if you’re looking for something that’s better than nothing to listen to while at work, on your drive, or bla bla bla whatever sign up for the feed and listen to it. It’s your call, bucko.


  = Audio available for online listening!

DateShow #Show Title
08/03/12LCBR_Ep68Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport, Episode 068, August 3, 2012
Topic: Ermahgerd Behrd Rehpehrr
02/14/12LCBR_Ep058Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport, Episode 058, February 14, 2012
Topic: No Genocide For Me
01/26/12LCBR_Ep057Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport, Episode 057, January 26, 2012
Topic: Eat Poop You Cat
01/12/12LCBR_Ep056Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport, Episode 056, January 12, 2012
Topic: Fruits Of The Boob Tree
12/30/11LCBR_Ep055Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport, Episode 054, December 30, 2011
Topic: Think About Goats
12/13/11LCBR_Ep054Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport, Episode 054, December 13, 2011
Topic: Blatant Wish Fulfillment
11/22/11LCBR_Ep053Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport, Episode 053, November 22, 2011
10/30/11LCBR_Ep052Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport, Episode 052, October 30, 2011
Topic: The Lettuce Lice
10/20/11LCBR_Ep051Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport, Episode 051, October 20, 2011
Topic: A Pound Of Goo
03/31/10LCBR_Ep012Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport, Episode 012, March 31, 2010
Topic: Empathy For The Bitch Ball
03/17/10LCBR_Ep011Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport, Episode 011, March 17, 2010
Topic: Meanwhile, On St. Patrick’s Day…
02/24/10LCBR_Ep009-5Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport, Episode 009.5, February 24, 2010
Topic: February 23rd Sucks
02/24/10LCBR_Ep010Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport, Episode 010, February 24, 2010
Topic: The Almost Lost Episode
02/01/10LCBR_Ep009Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport, Episode 009, February 1, 2010
Topic: Doogie-palooza
01/13/10LCBR_Ep008Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport, Episode 008, January 13, 2010
Topic: The Iron Whirlygig Vs. The Iron Giant
12/30/09LCBR_Ep007Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport, Episode 007, December 30, 2009
Topic: It Was Isaac Asimov
12/19/09LCBR_Ep006Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport, Episode 006, December 19, 2009
Topic: The Opposite Board
12/03/09LCBR_Ep005Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport, Episode 005, December 3, 2009
Topic: Burping Is Eternal
11/18/09LCBR_Ep004Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport, Episode 004, November 18, 2009
Topic: Admirable, Or Sad? You Decide!
11/04/09LCBR_Ep003Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport, Episode 003, November 4, 2009
Topic: Expect The Unexpected
10/22/09LCBR_Ep002Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport, Episode 002, October 22, 2009
Topic: The Neverending Gig Story
10/14/09LCBR_Ep001Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport, Episode 001, October 14, 2009
Topic: Our Motto: Shoot For Tolerable

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