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Listen as Weirdo Jace from Nuclear Bubble Wrap brings you an hour of hilarious comedy music! Each week, Jace will play some of the best, highest quality comedy music to ever hit your speakers. You'll also get to hear the top 3 brand new songs of that week at the end of each show, so stay tuned! So come, take a listen, and maybe even discover some new artists along the way. If you want to request a song, make sure to drop Jace a line at Mad Music forums, or email him at


  = Audio available for online listening!

DateShow #Show Title
01/19/10DM_01-19-10Dementious Maximus #16 1/19/10
12/06/09DM_12-06-09Dementious Maximus #15 12/06/09
Topic: Christmas stuff
11/15/09DM_11-15-09Dementious Maximus #14 11/15/09
11/07/09DM_11-07-09Dementious Maximus #13 11-07-09
10/31/09DM_10-31-09Dementious Maximus #12 10/31/09
10/24/09DM_10-24-09Dementious Maximus #11 10/24/2009
10/10/09DM_10-10-09Dementious Maximus #10 10/10/2009
10/03/09DM_10-03-09Dementious Maximus #9 10/03/09
09/26/09DM_09-26-09Dementious Maximus #8 9/26/09
09/19/09DM_09-19-09Dementious Maximus #7 09/19/09
09/12/09DM_09-12-09Dementious Maximus #6 09/12/09
09/05/09DM_09-05-09Dementious Maximus #5 9/5/09
08/29/09DM_08-29-09Dementious Maximus #4 8/29/09
08/22/09DM_08-22-09Dementious Maximus #3 08/22/09
08/15/09DM_08-15-09Dementious Maximus #2 08/15/2009
08/05/09DM_08-05-09Dementious Maximus #1 08/05/2009

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