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The Mad Music Podcast is a program of funny music brought to you by Shows can be downloaded via iTunes or your favorite podcatcher whenever you want!
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DateShow #Show Title
10/06/23MMP-59The Mad Music Podcast #59 - October 6, 2023
Topic: More Songs That Go FuMP in the Night
09/17/23MMP-58The Mad Music Podcast - Sept 17, 2023
Topic: Talk Like A Pirate Day
10/05/22MMP-57The Mad Music Podcast #57 - October 5, 2022
Topic: Halloween & Elections
10/27/20MMP-56The Mad Music Podcast #56 - October 27, 2020
Topic: 2020: Scarier Than Halloween
04/16/19MMP-55The Mad Music Podcast #55 - April 16, 2019
Topic: Spaying The Easter Beagle
12/09/18MMP-54The Mad Music Podcast #54 - December 9, 2018
Topic: Christmas 2018: North Side Of The Pole
10/22/18MMP-53The Mad Music Podcast #53 - October 22, 2018
Topic: Halloween 2018: Even My Henchmen Think I’m Crazy
06/26/18MMP-52The Mad Music Podcast #52 - June 26, 2018
Topic: Paranoia Is Just A Form Of Awareness
06/11/18MMP-51The Mad Music Podcast #51 - June 11, 2018
Topic: ...And Then The Murders Began
06/11/18MMP-51The Mad Music Podcast #51 - June 11, 2018
Topic: ...And Then The Murders Began
12/13/17MMP-50The Mad Music Podcast #50 - December 13, 2017
Topic: Santa Leaves Lumps Of “Clean Coal” For The Alt-Right
10/21/17MMP-49The Mad Music Podcast #49 - October 21, 2017
Topic: Halloween II: Vampires and Zombies and Ghosts, Oh My!
02/12/17MMP-48The Mad Music Podcast #48 - February 12, 2017
Topic: Don't Fall In Love: It's messy and will stick to your face!
01/15/17MMP-47The Mad Music Podcast #47 - January 15, 2017
Topic: Mystery Theme (with guest host Dave AuJus)
12/11/16MMP-46The Mad Music Podcast #46 - December 11, 2016
Topic: A Pink Christmas (with guest host Dave AuJus)
10/14/16MMP-45The Mad Music Podcast #45 - October 14, 2016
Topic: Songs That Go FuMP In The Night (with guest host Dave AuJus)
10/01/16MMP-44The Mad Music Podcast #44 - October 1, 2016
Topic: Sharks Ate My Baby Brother
09/10/16MMP-43The Mad Music Podcast #43 - September 10, 2016
Topic: Do What You Want To The Girl, But Leave Me Alone!
07/10/16MMP-42The Mad Music Podcast #42 - July 10, 2016
Topic: Pick a number, any number! (with guest host Dave AuJus)
06/08/16MMP-41The Mad Music Podcast #41 - June 8, 2016
Topic: The Magic of Harry Potter (with guest host Dave AuJus)
05/02/16MMP-40The Mad Music Podcast #40 - May 2, 2016
Topic: Fast Food + Slow Service = Half Fast Diet or You Are What You Eat
04/04/16MMP-39The Mad Music Podcast #39 - April 4, 2016
Topic: Please Adjust The Nut On The End Of The Steering Wheel (with guest host Dave AuJus)
03/05/16MMP-38The Mad Music Podcast #38 - March 5, 2016
Topic: Filling Your Hoo-Ha With Goof Juice
02/13/16MMP-37The Mad Music Podcast #37 - February 13, 2016
Topic: Here Come The Lesbians
02/01/16MMP-36The Mad Music Podcast #36 - February 1, 2016
Topic: Bounce? We're Bouncing Now? Is That What We're Doing?
12/14/14MMP-35The Mad Music Podcast #35 - December 14, 2014
Topic: It's Christmas Time Again (with guest host Dave AuJus)
11/09/14MMP-34The Mad Music Podcast #34 - November 09, 2014
Topic: Show Me The Money (with guest host Dave AuJus)
10/12/14MMP-33The Mad Music Podcast #33 - October 12, 2014
Topic: Halloween (with guest host Dave AuJus)
10/05/14MMP-32The Mad Music Podcast #32 - October 5, 2014
Topic: Hovercraft Full Of Eels
09/14/14MMP-31The Mad Music Podcast #31 - September 14, 2014
Topic: Talk Like A Pirate (with guest host Dave AuJus)
05/01/14MMP-30The Mad Music Podcast #30 - May 1, 2014
Topic: Who? Ra? And Upshi Rises!
03/04/14MMP-29The Mad Music Podcast #29 - March 4, 2014
Topic: You Can't Have Everything; Where Would You Put It?
02/11/14MMP-28The Mad Music Podcast #28 - February 11, 2014
Topic: Silence Is Foo
01/21/14MMP-27The Mad Music Podcast #27 - January 21, 2014
Topic: And Just Who Are You Supposed To Be?
01/13/14MMP-26The Mad Music Podcast #26 - January 13, 2014
Topic: Fun With Inanimate Objects
01/05/14MMP-25The Mad Music Podcast #25, January 5, 2014
Topic: New Years Show (with guest host Dave AuJus)
12/14/13MMP-24The Mad Music Podcast #24, December 14, 2013
Topic: Santa's Everywhere (with guest host Dave AuJus)
11/10/13MMP-23The Mad Music Podcast #23 - November 10, 2013
Topic: We Ask The Musical Question...
12/17/12MMP-22The Mad Music Podcast #22, December 16, 2012
Topic: Don't Eat The Yellow Snow
12/08/12MMP-21The Mad Music Podcast #21, December 8, 2012
Topic: Pirates, and Zombies, and Elves! Oh, my!
12/01/12MMP-20The Mad Music Podcast #20, December 1, 2012
Topic: Wreck The Malls
09/27/12MMP-19The Mad Music Podcast #19, September 27, 2012
Topic: It's Up Uranus
04/08/12MMP-18The Mad Music Podcast #18, April 8, 2012
Topic: Owl Stretching Time
03/31/12MMP-17The Mad Music Podcast #17, March 31, 2012
Topic: I Love You, Superhorse
02/25/12MMP-16The Mad Music Podcast #16, February 25, 2012
Topic: Hello Cthulhu
02/18/12MMP-15The Mad Music Podcast #15, February 18, 2012
Topic: Sum Of Our Parts
02/11/12MMP-14The Mad Music Podcast #14, February 11, 2012
Topic: I Don't Just Love You Down There
02/05/12MMP-13The Mad Music Podcast #13, February 5, 2012
Topic: Biggles Flies Undone
01/21/12MMP-12The Mad Music Podcast #12, January 21, 2012
Topic: Fools Die On Friday
01/14/12MMP-11The Mad Music Podcast #11, January 14, 2012
Topic: Where Are We? - We're Right Here
01/07/12MMP-10The Mad Music Podcast #10, January 7, 2012
Topic: The Money Programme
03/06/11MMP-9The Mad Music Podcast #9, March 6, 2011
Topic: I'd Rather See John Goodman In A Thong
02/27/11MMP-8The Mad Music Podcast #8, February 27, 2011
Topic: Robot Attack
02/20/11MMP-7The Mad Music Podcast #7, February 20, 2011
Topic: A Jelly Baby? Fantastic!
02/13/11MMP-6The Mad Music Podcast #6, February 13, 2011
Topic: It's a CATastrophe!
01/30/11MMP-5The Mad Music Podcast #5, January 30, 2010
Topic: Look, Up In The Sky, It's...Captain Obvious!
01/23/11MMP-4The Mad Music Podcast #4, January 23, 2010
Topic: The Iron Chef Stir-fried My iPod
01/02/11MMP-3The Mad Music Podcast #3, January 2, 2011
Topic: The Mad Music Podcast Laughs At Danger
12/25/10MMP-2The Mad Music Podcast #2, December 25, 2010
Topic: A Zombie Elf Christmas in Arizona
12/19/10MMP-1The Mad Music Podcast #1, December 19, 2010
Topic: Don't Let The Hippies Hijack Christmas

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