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The Mad Music Moment #225 - July 11, 2018
Topic: This Land Has Lots Of Everything For Me And Elmer Fudd

This week, we introduce a new Mad Music Show format, “The Mad Music Moment”, basically, a half hour version of the main show. Since Uncle Stavro makes & posts these shows one segment at a time anyway, every show begins as a “Mad Music Moment”. We just didn’t have a catchy name for it until now. This show is essentially a late 4th of July show, or at least uncle’s twisted, cynical version of one, anyway. He says that you’d have expected no less from him. Let’s just see if he's right, yeah?

Next week: MMM-226 - Big Bats Down To One Five Five

Listing added by:  Stavro Arrgolus

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Show Facts:
This is the first "Mad Music Moment". Although as it says above, every show starts as one half-hour+ segment, a new segment added later will make it a "Mad Music Hour" and 3 will make it a full 2 hour "Mad Music Show". (Stavro Arrgolus)
The show title is a Firesign Theatre reference that appears in the show itself. Be thankful. This show could have easily been called "And ***** Cats To Eat Them When The Sun Goes Down". Since this is a very late 4th of July show, the title never mentions America directly, but both 'this land' and 'Elmer Fudd' are meant to embody 'American things' - without actually saying so. (Stavro Arrgolus)
Although Tyro Arrgula hosts this episode, his father Viscount Vyslo sneaks in an appearance. (Stavro Arrgolus)
Fun Fact: Vampires don't speak with silly accents as seen in the movies! Before Tyro Arrgula became undead in 1989, he lived in Cornwall in the far southwest of England and spoke with a Cornish accent. For that matter, all of the Arrgula vampires are European and all but Tyro can't/won't even speak English.

Apparently, one of a vampire's powers is to be able to speak to you in your language with your regional dialect (if you have one)...right before they rip your throat out and guzzle all your blood.
(Stavro Arrgolus)
Incredibly, this show is (barely) SWF. Tyro died young and was too damn idealistic for his own good. He has standards. I don't. I'm old/ill and don't care about phony moralities. To drive this message home, among other things, next week we'll have a tribute show to George Carlin, who died 10 years ago last month. And yes, the Carlin bit in this show is, indeed, a foreshadowing of the upcoming show - which will be very NSFW. Because, as Carlin once said, there are no 'bad words'. Just bad thoughts & bad intentions. (Stavro Arrgolus)
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Messages about the show: "The Mad Music Moment #225 - July 11, 2018"

Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  06-10-22 11:09 AM  -  2 years ago
Now that the show posting is working again, here is a repost of an old show made around this time of year a while back so there can be a "new" show on the homepage to try out.
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