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Marcus Tee's Blog

Topic: Have you ever had this happen to you?

Marcus Tee   Offline  -  Participant & Donator  -  06-21-08 03:58 PM  -  15 years ago
I used to work with a guy who was rather odd. A really cool guy. His name was Craig. Very likable. He would always say a line that I never understood though. I asked him many times what it meant but he always said it was something he read on a heater. (We worked for a swimming pool supply wholesaler.)
Anyway, that job ended and I fell out of touch with the guy.
Fast forward 20 years.
I'm working for a drugstore where I ran the photo department, when a guy walks up to me and I start ringing up his items. We get to talking a bit and he is a friend of this fella I worked with. Just before he walks away I said:
"Ya know, Craig used to say something all the time that I never understood,"
The guy replies: "Oh yeah? What was that?"
Whereupon I answer:
"Snoyt or et la two oh two..."
And the guy says:
"Del axnee edsum tood dood fard?"
And I didn't know what to say. I stared at him for a minute and he said:
"Yeah, Craig said that all the time."
Needless to say I asked:
"What the heck does it mean?"
The guy replied:
"Oh, it's just something he read on the side of a heater one time. He was looking in a mirror at the time."
Wha Wha Wha What? It really was something he'd read on the side of a Laars Heater? I couldn't believe it.
Twenty years it took to solve that puzzle.
Twenty years!
As you can see it said something about a draft hood on the heater. I still am not sure what it was but this guy always repeated it. And he had me repeating it...for twenty years...
What a sap. What a nincompoop. What a maroon!

Ever have anything like that happen to you?

Marcus Tee

Member Comments:

tedsdad   Offline  -  Member  -  06-24-08 01:03 PM  -  15 years ago
Not quite the experience you had, but I was sick recently and I woke up repeating something I had to memorize while pledging my college fraternity. It's been 32 years and it popped into my head. It pertained to keeping faith in those around us. Now that my wife is sick, maybe I should teach it to her. Chemo should start next week, and she could use all the faith she can muster.
Marcus Tee   Offline  -  Participant & Donator  -  06-22-08 02:36 AM  -  15 years ago
Yeah, but it was the intrigue. And what I meant about 'has it ever happened to you', was not so much the backward thing but did anything strange ever happen to you that stuck with you for years. And did you ever get it resolved?

Marcus Tee
Bob Guest   Offline  -  Artist  -  06-21-08 10:25 PM  -  15 years ago
Og ti tel evah dluow esle ydobyna, sraey ytnewt retfa.

Wonk tnod I, segassem drawkcab cinatas rof gnikool saw I spahrep. Yaw taht meht gnis ot nrael dna drawkcab sdrocer yalp ot desu I oga sraey.

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