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Tim P. Ryan's Blog

Topic: Pi Day / Clock adjust day

Tim P. Ryan   Offline  -  Participant, MP3  -  03-14-10 07:02 AM  -  14 years ago
March 14 or 3/14 is close enough for Pi Day, a day to eat (round) pies. First started wtih fruit pies, but now includes quiche and pizza pies.

Also the start of Daylight Savings Time. I'd like to call it Unnatural Daylight Days; ugh, dark at 7am again.

How many clocks and watches did you have to adjust today?
One new clock listens to radio time signal, it set itself. I used the 'official US Time' website to get time for watch, big battery clock in basement (since it has sweep second hand, it can be used for setting others). Onto microwave oven clock, alarm clocks (standard and travel). And soon TV, TV recorder, VCRs that don't know the new rules along with this Windows Me computer. Got to remember the car clock later, along with other electronics, like cameras and audio devices. Oh, don't forget timers.

As a reminder, it is also recommended to check your smoke detectors and give them a new battery, if needed.

Edit, 10am: Don't forget thermostats that are programable.

Member Comments:

peterpuck9   Offline  -  Participant  -  03-14-10 10:29 PM  -  14 years ago
How do you "spring" ahead when it's winter?

The computer set automatically. I did two wall clocks, four clock radios, two VCRs, four watches, one microwave oven & three cars.

Tim P. Ryan:
March 14 or 3/14 is close enough for Pi Day, a day to eat (round) pies. First started wtih fruit pies, but now includes quiche and pizza pies.

Also the start of Daylight Savings Time. I'd like to call it Unnatural Daylight Days; ugh, dark at 7am again.

How many clocks and watches did you have to adjust today?
One new clock listens to radio time signal, it set itself. I used the 'official US Time' website to get time for watch, big battery clock in basement (since it has sweep second hand, it can be used for setting others). Onto microwave oven clock, alarm clocks (standard and travel). And soon TV, TV recorder, VCRs that don't know the new rules along with this Windows Me computer. Got to remember the car clock later, along with other electronics, like cameras and audio devices. Oh, don't forget timers.

As a reminder, it is also recommended to check your smoke detectors and give them a new battery, if needed.

Edit, 10am: Don't forget thermostats that are programable.

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