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belowaveragedave's Blog

Topic: Do You Smell What I Smell

belowaveragedave   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  12-20-10 12:44 AM  -  14 years ago
Again, like with Let's Have Reindeer Meat for Christmas--I don't normally do this, but this is a rarity. . .Do You Smell What I Smell has become my second number one single on Soundclick Comedy Charts from A Very B.A.D. Christmas. . .its my third song overall to go number one

So far, my charting songs from this album include
Let's Have Reindeer Meat for Christmas (1st in Comedy & Parody)
Do You Smell What I Smell (1st in Comedy & Parody)
Santa Claus is Eating My Dad (2nd in Comedy & Parody)
Beach Christmas (6th in Comedy, 2nd in Parody)
Pork Fried Rice (9th in Comedy, 2nd in Parody)
Cold Hell (11th in Comedy, 3rd in Parody)

That's half the album, and its rare for me to hit the top 10, I regularly hit the top 20 with new singles, and I have sometimes challenge for a 10 or 9 spot, but this is unusual for me, so feel like sharing it--so I am. .even though after the last DT20, I may take a hit this week:) Anyway, album sales have topped double digits, and I continue to sell well. I've sold several through the various sources I've placed it. . .I think I'm going to start doing albums more regularly. . .instead of singles, I realize that means less FUMP posting, but I still have a lot of classics that need facelifts. . .and they will get them, I'm learning a lot about recording lately and its helping my work. . .I want to do more collaborations but don't have a lot of time lately, and I really, REALLY, want to do more live performances, but those opportunities are rare--either way, thank you all:)

Member Comments:

Bob Guest   Offline  -  Artist  -  12-20-10 07:31 AM  -  14 years ago
Top song and top album in the comedy category.... Not bad. Congratulations!

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