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Song Details
Duration: 5:16 
Release Date: 2004  (peterpuck9) 
Lyrics By: Ben Folds & William Shatner 
Music By: Ben Folds & William Shatner 
Produced By: Ben Folds 
Released By: Shout! Factory 
Published By: Free From The Man Songs LLC (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Licensing: BMI  #7085542 (Stavro Arrgolus) 
By now, you expect weirdness from Shatner when it comes to the whole "music thing" and he certainly delivers here. Shatner singing ...well, talking- backed by a gospel choir about how everyone's gonna die. Maybe you're familiar with his brand of 'musical' strangeness, but it's still a slightly unnerving sort of tune.- Stavro Arrgolus
  • The explicit tag in this one is technical. One of the 'deadly 7' is sung by the 'gospel chorus' at the end of the song. It's subtle. This is another tune played only once by Dr. Demento. He faded the song out before getting to the offending line at the end. (Stavro Arrgolus)
  • Song Lyrics:
    Live life
    Live life like you're gonna die
    Because you're gonna
    I hate to be the bearer of bad news
    But you're gonna die

    Maybe not today or even next year
    But before you know it you'll be saying
    "Is this all there was?
    What was all the fuss?
    Why did I bother?"

    Now, maybe you won't suffer; maybe it's quick
    But you'll have time to think
    Why did I waste it?
    Why didn't I taste it?
    You'll have time
    Because you're gonna die

    Yes, it's gonna happen because it's happened to a lot of people I know
    My mother, my father, my loves
    The president, the kings and the pope
    They all had hope

    And they muttered just before they went
    Maybe I won't go
    Live life like you're gonna die
    Because you are

    Maybe you won't suffer; maybe it's quick
    But you'll have time to think
    Why did I waste it?
    Why didn't I taste it?
    You'll have time
    'Cause you're gonna die

    I tell you who else left us
    Passed on down to heaven, no longer with us
    Johnny Cash, JFK, that guy in the Stones
    Lou Gehrig, Einstein, and Joey Ramone
    Have I convinced you?
    Do you read my lips?
    This may come as news but it's time
    You're gonna die
    You're gonna die

    By the time you hear this, I may well be dead
    And you my friend might be next
    'Cause we're all gonna die

    Yeah, oh maybe you won't suffer and maybe it's quick
    But you'll have time to think
    Why did I waste it?
    Why didn't I taste it?
    You'll have time
    You'll have time 'cause you're gonna die
    Yes, you're gonna die
    You're gonna die, I tell you
    You're gonna die
    You are gonna die

    'Cause maybe you won't suffer; maybe it's quick
    But you'll have time to think
    Why did I waste it?
    Why didn't I taste it?
    You'll have time 'cause you're gonna die

    Live Life
    Live life like you're gonna die
    Because you're going to
    Oh, yes
    I hate to be the bearer of bad news
    But you're gonna die

    Maybe not today or even next year
    But before you know it you'll be saying
    "Is this all there was?
    What was all the fuss?
    Why did I bother?
    Why did I waste it?
    Why didn't I taste it?"
    You'll have time, baby
    You'll have time
    'Cause you're gonna die
    You are gonna die
    Oh yeah

    (sung in the background)
    Y-O-U-apostrophe-R-E-G-O-double-N-A-D-I-E Die!
    You are gonna diiiiiie
    Lung cancer, heart attack, diabetes, drug overdose
    Choke on a chicken bone
    Hit by a lightning bolt
    Heart attack
    Airplane crash
    Car wreck
    Fucked up in your aaaaa---s-s-s-s!
    (Stavro Arrgolus)
    Current Rating 8.7 (2 votes)
    Played on 3 shows:
    02-12-11, #MMS-14111-07-04, #04-45
    04-26-08, #MMCZ_08-17
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    Song samples are provided for information purposes only and are intended to enable the users to sample the music (as they are in very low quality) before they take the decision of purchasing the music. This right is expressly permitted under "Fair Use" as nonprofit educational purposes only. The ownership of the copyright of the songs rests with the respective owners.

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