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Song Details
Duration: 3:40 
Release Date: 2005  (sfjpk30) 
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Song Lyrics:
1, 2, 3, let's go!

I'm a farmer, yes, I am a huge hick
Go ahead, get your tractor movin'
Southern twang, Betsy, quit that darn mooin'
Go graze gr-gr-graze that pasture!
I'm a farmer, yes, I am a huge hick
Go ahead, get your tractor movin'
Southern twang, Betsy, quit that darn mooin'
Go graze, gr-gr-graze that pasture!

[verse 1]
Go, go, do the chores around the house
Plow, then go milk all 50 of our cows
The milk flows quicker if you got strong fingers
I ain't stupid, my livestock makes my dough come quicker (whoa)
Betsy's milk is just perfect
She moos while I squirt it
I watch her, I'm like "Chew that grass girl!"
I pluck and shuck corn ears
I got bucks and steers
Front and rear wheel drive John Deeres (oh)
So country, so flannel, chop wood
So dirty, so ugly, don't smell good
I'm farmin' tons of spuds in 4-H club with my buds
Don't farm nothin', you won't eat nothin' (uuuh)


[verse 2]
Start farmin' everybody wake up
Everybody start your day up
Start farmin' man, we got some cows to feed
Let's plant grain and operate machinery
It's hot!
Silo inferno, let's go!
You're rockin' with farmer Joe
Me and big bro use hoes, dig rows, sow and grow
I get my overalls on and I'm good to go
Look homie, take a chance, go ahead, cow tip
I got the same shotgun with an extra clip
Raisin' chickens, I ain't new to this agri-buisiness
Pay attention boy, I'll teach you to produce profits
I got a little brother named Billy Bob Jimmy John
And I'm from Tennessee, you know, I got my Carharts on
All my horses in the stable need to eat, right?
I'mma be up in this barn till there's no more daylight (daylight)


[verse 3]
You see me ridin' on my combine
'N' I stay farmin' uh-huh
My pony you could catch me groomin'
Chicken coopin', bailin' hay (Ha-ha!)
You see me sowin', spuds are growin',
I'm 'bout my taters (yeah)
Cow tipper, I'm serious, I ain't playin,
I'm part of the insane country farm boy game (CounTRY UnIT!)
Next season now, 6-foot tall corn stocks
Ma and Pa sent me to go and harvest crops
I'm country fo sho "Hey yo farmer Joe
You're late for that there fair show!"
No way, let's go!

(Sonic SBL)
Current Rating 10.0 (1 vote)
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