Facts: |
'How I Spent My Summer Vacation..." was originally released in 1975 as a single ONLY!!! It would be 25 years later until it finally surfaced on Dr. Demento's 30th Anniversary CD set. It is also on 'When There's Smoke...There's Cheech and Chong' compilation. However, I guess there was some editing problems because the ending of Phil Harris' s 'The Thing' is on the intro. Strange! Also, this was a two-part record with Part 2 still unreleased to this day. Part 2 is kind of like a prequel to Part1 in which Pedro argues with the kids with the frisbee and is confronted by the big guy (Chong) and shuts him up. Not as funny as Part 1 but is worth searching on eBay. (provided by goetzrbrt5) (Tim P. Ryan) |
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Song Lyrics: |
Hey, Pedro, hey, Pedro Hey, where are ya, man
(Over here, man) Pedro (I'm over here, man By the trashcan) Where, I can't see you (Over here where the flies are, man)
Oh, I see you Hey, I'll be right over, man (Okay, hurry up)
Excuse me, coming through Say, can I get by here please Aw, thanks, ow, ow, ow, Oh, the sand's so hot Ow, ow, ow, ow, ahhhh
(Hey, fool, you got your foot In the Kool-Aid, man) Oh, oh, I'm sorry, man (Flat footed sucker, get out)
Excuse me, can I Get through here please Thanks, hey, Pedro man, hey listen (Watch out, you're gonna step in the)
Oh, wow, what is this (Well, it ain't peanut butter And baloney, man) Oh, God, man. come on Let's go down to the water, man I gotta wash off my feet (Okay, but where's the water, man I haven't even seen it)
Hey, well, listen, man I'm gonna crawl up this lifeguard tower Maybe I can see where it is from there (Yeah, that's a good idea, man, go on)
(Golly, it's hot out here I feel just like a Refried bean or something)
Hey, Pedro, I see it, man I see the water You can see the waves And everything, man It's right over here See, right over there
(How we gonna get to it, man There's too many people, man) Oh, hey, I got an idea, man Hey, I know how we can clear the beach (Well, hurry up)
Hey, just watch this, man Sharks, everybody out of the water There's sharks all over the place Sharks, sharks, look out They're gonna eat you
(What's going on here) Oh, man, there's sharks
All over the place, man (Sharks, where) over there, man They came up right on the beach And ate a little girl, man Right where you're standing, man
(Oh, my God, where are they Where are they, come on Let's get out of here There's sharks coming up on the beach Aw, forget the blanket, let's go)
(Hey, Skip, what's the haps) Oh, wow, man, you missed it, man This little girl was out there surfing And a big shark came up and ate her Board and everything, man
(Oh, wow, really, what kind was it) I think it was a twelve foot Dewey Weber With an orange racing stripe, man (Oh, far out) hey, let's go down by the pier (Oh, yeah, they're curling in there)
Come on, Pedro I'll race you to the water, man (Okay, first one in is a wet head) Ha ha ha (Geronimo)
(Ah, this is more like it, man) It's beautiful (Yeah, our own private beach, man) Come on, let's go catch Some waves, man (okay, man)
(Hey, man, what's that behind you, man Look, there's a fin coming towards you) Ah, knock it off, Pedro, man (No, really, man, there's a fin It looks like a shark is gonna get you)
Sure, man, sure (Man, turn around, man, there's a fin It's right behind you, man) Hey, man, there's not a shark within Two hundred...arrrggghhh
Hey, man, give me your hand I got you, man, oh, no Where's the rest of you Oh, the shark ate him Oh, no, it's coming after me, oh, no
Oh, good, someone threw me a Frisbee Okay, shark, now try to get me Come on, I'll shove this Down your throat for dessert
Hey, hey, Pedro Pedro, wake up, man (wha) Hey, you was sleeping, man Are you okay
(Oh, wow, man Musta been having a nightmare, man In the daytime)
There he is, Dad He took our Frisbee and Stuck it in the garbage can This, guy, Dad
(Hey, hey yo-yo What's wrong with you I told you if you Touched the Frisbee again I'll break your neck)
Hey, why don't you bug off You big baboon Why don't you go back to the zoo And take that little monkey with you
(Who you calling a monkey You little creep)
Hey, wait a minute, man Come on, settle down, man (Who you telling to settle down You pencil neck geek) Who you calling a Greek, man (Stavro Arrgolus) |
Current Rating
(4 votes)
Played on 72 shows: |
 | 11-01-22, #ISGD-22-01 |  | 06-01-03, #03-22 |
 | 08-19-22, #MMS-242 |  | 06-23-02, #02-25 |
 | 06-25-21, #WOTR_231 |  | 05-21-00, #00-21 |
 | 06-19-21, #AOTA-210619 |  | 03-19-00, #00-12 |
 | 06-20-20, #AOTA-200620 |  | 09-12-99, #99-37 |
 | 06-22-19, #AOTA-190622 |  | 06-21-98, #98-25 |
 | 06-23-18, #AOTA-180623 |  | 06-22-97, #97-25 |
 | 07-19-17, #ISGD-17-30 |  | 06-02-96, #96-22 |
 | 06-17-17, #AOTA-170617 |  | 06-11-95, #95-24 |
 | 06-24-16, #ISGD-16-27 |  | 06-13-93, #93-24 |
 | 06-19-16, #WOTR_04 |  | 05-30-93, #93-22 |
 | 06-18-16, #AOTA-160618 |  | 07-21-91, #91-29 |
 | 09-12-15, #15-37 |  | 03-31-91, #91-13 |
 | 07-25-15, #ISGD-15-31 |  | 06-03-90, #90-22 |
 | 06-21-14, #AOTA-140621 |  | 03-05-89, #89-10 |
 | 08-24-13, #13-34 |  | 08-14-88, #88-33 |
 | 07-20-13, #AOTA-130720 |  | 06-21-87, #KLSX-87-25 |
 | 06-22-13, #AOTA-130622 |  | 06-14-87, #87-24 |
 | 06-18-13, #BWR-13-06-18 | | 08-24-86, #KMET-86-34 |
 | 06-13-13, #ISGD-13-24 | | 06-29-86, #KMET-86-26 |
 | 06-23-12, #AOTA-120623 |  | 06-29-86, #86-26 |
 | 06-19-12, #BWR-12-06-19 | | 06-30-85, #KMET-85-26 |
 | 06-25-11, #AOTA-110625 | | 05-12-85, #KMET-85-19 |
 | 06-21-11, #BWR-11-06-21 |  | 09-02-84, #84-36 |
 | 07-10-10, #10-28 |  | 07-15-84, #84-29 |
 | 08-16-09, #09-33 |  | 09-04-83, #83-36 |
 | 06-14-09, #MMCZ-09-21 |  | 08-07-83, #83-32 |
 | 06-14-09, #09-24 |  | 07-10-83, #83-28 |
 | 06-22-08, #08-25 |  | 06-05-83, #83-23 |
 | 01-28-07, #MMS-63 |  | 02-20-83, #83-08 |
 | 06-25-06, #MMS-33 | | 01-02-83, #KMET-83-01 |
 | 08-07-05, #05-32 | | 08-15-82, #82-33 |
 | 05-30-04, #XM-53 | | 07-25-82, #82-30 |
 | 05-30-04, #04-22 | | 09-06-81, #81-36 |
 | 07-14-03, #XM-08 |  | 09-14-80, #KMET-80-29 |
| 06-16-03, #ISGD-03-23 | | 09-07-80, #80-36 |
 | = Show you can listen to online |
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