Facts: |
From the 1967 album ABSOLUTELY FREE. (sav-man) |
This is a suite-like production number which satirizes the often unspoken, but present, underbelly of conservative America (corporate workers in particular). (sav-man) |
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Song Lyrics: |
Brown shoes don't make it Brown Shoes don't make it Quit school, why fake it Brown shoes don't make it
TV dinner by the pool Watch your brother grow a beard Got another year of school You're okay, he's too weird Be a plummer He's a bummer He's a bummer every summer Be a loyal plastic robot For a world that doesn't care That's right
Smile at every ugly Shine on your shoes and cut your hair
Be a jerk-go to work Be a jerk-go to work Be a jerk-go to work Be a jerk-go to work Do your job, and do it right Life's a ball TV tonight Do you love it Do you hate it There it is The way you made it
A world of secret hungers Perverting the men who make your laws Every desire is hidden away In a drawer in a desk by a Naugahyde chair On a rug where they walk and drool Past the girls in the office
We see in the back Of the City Hall mind The dream of a girl about thirteen Off with her clothes and into a bed Where she tickles his fancy All night long
His wife's attending an orchid show She squealed for a week to get him to go But back in the bed his teen-age queen Is rocking and rolling and acting obscene Baby, baby. .. Baby, baby. . . Gimmie them cakes, uh! If I do I'm gonna lose my...
And he loves it, he loves it It curls up his toes She wipes his fat neck And it lights up his nose But he cannot be fooled Old City Hall Fred She's nasty, she's nasty She digs it in bed That's right
Do it again, ha And do it some more Hey, that does it, by golly And she's nasty for sure Nasty nasty nasty Nasty nasty nasty Only thirteen, and she knows how to nasty
She's a dirty young mind, corrupted Corroded Well, she's thirteen today And I hear she gets loaded
If she were my daughter, I'd... What would you do, Frankie? If she were my daughter, I'd ... What would you do, Frankie? Check this out Smother my daughter in chocolate syrup And strap her on again, oh baby Smother that girl in chocolate syrup And strap her on again, oh baby She's my teen-age baby She turns me on I'd like to make her do a nasty On the White House lawn Smother my daughter in chocolate syrup And boogie 'till the cows come home
Time to go home Madge is on the phone Got to meet the Gurneys and a dozen gray attorneys TV dinner by the pool I'm so glad I finished school Life is such a ball I run the world from City Hall (Stavro Arrgolus) |
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Played on 14 shows: |
 | 07-23-16, #16-30 |  | 04-22-84, #84-17 |
 | 03-14-15, #15-11 |  | 03-20-83, #83-12 |
 | 04-02-11, #11-14 | | 05-17-81, #81-20 |
 | 05-09-10, #10-19 | | 01-04-81, #81-01 |
 | 11-17-03, #XM-26 | | 12-28-75, #KMET-75-52 |
| 12-04-94, #94-49 |  | 05-11-75, #45 |
 | 01-02-94, #94-01 |  | 02-09-75, #32 |
| |
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