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Song Details
Duration: 3:04 (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Release Date: 3/17/1978  (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Lyrics By: Elvis Costello (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Music By: Elvis Costello (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Produced By: Nick Lowe (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Released By: Radar Records (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Published By: Universal Music/MGB Songs (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Licensing: ASCAP  #480121893 (Stavro Arrgolus) 
  • "Weird Al" Yankovic, during the Straight Outta Lynwood 2007 Tour has sung this song instead of one of his own. (MarlinsGirl)
  • Not at all demented, but very anti-establishment. This is the song that famously got Costello banned from SNL for many years for unexpectedly breaking into it after a few bars of "Less Than Zero" - "I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, there's no reason to do this song here" - on live TV to the annoyance of his label and the show's producer. (Stavro Arrgolus)
  • From the album- "This Year's Model". (Stavro Arrgolus)
  • Song Lyrics:
    I was tuning in the shine on the light night dial
    doing anything my radio advised
    with every one of those late night stations
    playing songs bringing tears to me eyes
    I was seriously thinking about hiding the receiver
    when the switch broke 'cause it's old
    They're saying things that I can hardly believe
    They really think we're getting out of control

    Radio is a sound salvation
    Radio is cleaning up the nation
    They say you better listen to the voice of reason
    But they don't give you any choice
    'cause they think that it's treason
    So you had better do as you are told
    You better listen to the radio

    I wanna bite the hand that feeds me
    I wanna bite that hand so badly
    I want to make them wish they'd never seen me

    Some of my friends sit around every evening
    and they worry about the times ahead
    But everybody else is overwhelmed by indifference
    and the promise of an early bed
    You either shut up or get cut up;
    they don't wanna hear about it
    It's only inches on the reel-to-reel
    And the radio is in the hands of such a lot of fools
    tryin' to anesthetize the way that you feel

    Radio is a sound salvation
    Radio is cleaning up the nation
    They say you better listen to the voice of reason
    But they don't give you any choice
    'cause they think that it's treason
    So you had better do as you are told
    You better listen to the radio

    Wonderful radio
    Marvelous radio
    Wonderful radio
    Radio, radio...
    (Stavro Arrgolus)
    Current Rating 8.5 (4 votes)
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