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As Maine go o so Pogo go Key Largo, Otsego to Frisco go to Fargo, Okeefenokee playin' Possum on a Pogo Stick around and see the show go over
Landalive a band o' Jive will blow go Pogo I go you go who go to go Polly voo go, From Caravan Diego, Waco and Oswego, Tweedle de he go she go we go me go Pogo.
Atascadero Wheeler Barrow, Some place in Mexico Delaware Ohio and you Don't need the text to go. Wheeling, West Virginia With ev'rything that's in ya. Down the line You'll see the shine From Oregon to Caroline,
Oh, eenie meenie minie Kokomo go Pogo. Tishimingo, sing those lingo, whistling go. Shamokin to Hoboken Chenango to Chicango It's golly, I go goo goo goin' go go Pogo.
Atascadero Wheeler Barrow, Some place in Mexico Delaware Ohio and you Don't need the text to go. Wheeling, West Virginia With ev'rything that's in ya. Down the line You'll see the shine From Oregon to Caroline,
Oh, eenie meenie minie Kokomo go Pogo. Tishimingo, sing those lingo, whistling go. Shamokin to Hoboken Chenango to Chicango It's golly, I go goo goo goin' go go Pogo! (Stavro Arrgolus) |
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(2 votes)
Played on 29 shows: |
 | 02-06-21, #AOTA-210206 |  | 07-01-84, #84-27 |
 | 11-12-16, #16-46 |  | 02-20-83, #83-08 |
 | 07-21-16, #ISGD-16-31 |  | 03-28-82, #82-13 |
 | 06-28-14, #14-26 | | 05-10-81, #81-19 |
 | 07-16-11, #11-29 | | 04-29-79, #79-17 |
 | 10-11-09, #09-41 | | 09-03-78, #78-28 |
 | 06-10-07, #MMS-81 | | 08-01-76, #105 |
 | 01-23-05, #XM-87 |  | 09-28-75, #61 |
 | 01-02-05, #05-01 |  | 08-17-75, #55 |
 | 10-17-04, #04-42 |  | 10-27-74, #17 |
 | 04-29-01, #01-17 |  | 08-04-74, #5 |
 | 05-03-98, #98-18 |  | 07-14-74, #2 |
 | 12-01-91, #91-48 |  | 08-19-73, #KMET-73-33 |
 | 06-25-89, #89-26 | | 12-31-72, #KMET-72-53 |
 | 04-21-85, #85-16 | | |
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