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Song Details
Rank this week: 10 (↑19)
Duration: 2:13 
Release Date: 7/11/1966  (peterpuck9) 
Lyrics By: N. Bonaparte (peterpuck9) 
Music By: N. Bonaparte (peterpuck9) 
Produced By: Jerry Samuels (peterpuck9) 
Released By: Warner Brothers (peterpuck9) 
Published By: Print Music Co Inc./Wise Brothers Music LLC (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Licensing: ASCAP  #500221503 
  • The song inspired reply songs, including: They Took You Away, I'm Glad, I'm Glad (by Josephine), I'm Happy They Took You Away, Ha-Haaa! (by Josephine XV), Don't Take Me Back, Oh-Nooo! (by Henry IX), I'm Normal (by The Emporer), Ze Nemen Me Eindelijk Mee, Ha-Haaa! (by Floris VI), Ahah Eem Kjilednie Em Nemen Ez (also by Floris VI), Venqono A Portarci Via Ah, Aah! (by I Balordi), Ellos Me Quieren Llevar (by Napoleon Puppy), and They're Here (by Boots Walker).

    Napoleon XIV himself recorded a sequel song called They're Coming To Get Me Again, Ha-Haaa!. (Jacqke)
  • Re-issued circa 1973 in both the US and the UK. Warner Bros. WB 7726 (US), and Warner Bros. K 16309 (UK). Seemed like it gained a whole new popularity back then. (Tim P. Ryan)
  • The flip side of the 45 RPM single was the song played backwards. (See separate MMA listing with title written backwards!) (peterpuck9)
  • Davy Jones briefly references this song towards the end of The Monkees' "Gonna Buy Me A Dog" (the last track on the Monkees' 1966 debut album). Also, Tiny Tim recorded a disco-style version of this song sometime during the 1970's. (sav-man)
  • From the 1966 album THEY"RE COMING TO TAKE ME AWAY, HA-HAAA! (sav-man)
  • Samuels, however, refused to perform this song in public after one try in 1966; he later said that he felt that people were laughing at him, and not with him. So, anonymous performers were thereafter used (Samuels jokingly compared the situation to Milli Vanilli). (sav-man)
  • While this song was a very big hit, many radio stations banned it from their playlists shortly after it started selling, fearing that it could be perceived as making fun of the mentally ill. Samuels, though, indicated that the inmates he knew personally during his mental ward stay would have LOVED the song. (sav-man)
  • Jerry Samuels (Nap's real name) had been in a mental hospital himself for treatment nine years before the song was written. (sav-man)
  • An all-time Dr. Demento show classic! Reached #3 on the BILLBOARD charts in August 1966; it also charted briefly again at #87 when it was re-released in September 1973. (sav-man)
  • Song Lyrics:
    Remember when you ran away and
    I got on my knees and begged you
    Not to leave because I'd go berserk? Well,
    You left me anyhow and then the
    Days got worse and worse and now you
    See I've gone completely out of my mind. And,

    They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa.
    They're coming to take me away, ho ho, he he, ha ha,
    To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time
    And I'll be happy to see those nice young
    Men in their clean white coats and
    They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!

    You thought it was a joke and so you
    Laughed, you laughed! When I had said that
    Losing you would make me flip my lid - right?
    You know you laughed, I heard you laugh,
    You laughed, you laughed and laughed, and then you
    Left, but now you know I'm utterly mad. And,

    They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa.
    They're coming to take me away, ho ho, he he , ha ha,
    To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds
    And basket weavers who sit and smile
    And twiddle their thumbs and toes
    And they're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!

    I cooked your food, I cleaned your house
    And this is how you pay me back
    For all my kind, unselfish loving deeds? Huh?
    Well, you just wait--they'll find you yet
    And when they do they'll put you in the
    ASPCA you mangy mutt! And,

    They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa.
    They're coming to take me away, ho ho, he he, ha ha,
    To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time
    And I'll be happy to see those nice young
    Men in their clean white coats and
    They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!

    To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds
    And basket weavers who sit and smile
    And twiddle their thumbs and toes
    And they're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!

    To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time
    And I'll be happy to see those nice young
    Men in their clean white coats and
    They're coming to take me away!

    Current Rating 9.6 (10 votes)
    Played on 312 shows:
    12-30-23, #AOTA-23123005-05-91, #91-18
    04-01-23, #KMCC-17-1602-10-91, #91-06
    03-31-23, #WOTR_31912-30-90, #90-52
    03-25-23, #AOTA-23032509-16-90, #90-37
    03-18-23, #AOTA-23031806-24-90, #90-25
    03-04-23, #AOTA-23030403-04-90, #90-09
    01-30-21, #AOTA-21013001-07-90, #KLSX-90-01
    09-13-20, #OTR-6-512-31-89, #89-53
    04-19-20, #OTR-6-110-22-89, #89-43
    06-30-19, #OTR-5-2607-23-89, #89-30
    05-04-19, #AOTA-19050405-07-89, #89-19
    02-24-19, #OTR-5-803-05-89, #89-10
    11-10-18, #AOTA-18111001-01-89, #89-01
    03-03-18, #AOTA-18030309-18-88, #88-38
    01-27-18, #AOTA-18012706-26-88, #88-26
    09-17-17, #OTR-3-3804-10-88, #88-15
    02-25-17, #AOTA-17022502-14-88, #88-07
    02-03-17, #KMCC-11-1112-27-87, #87-52
    08-27-16, #16-3512-27-87, #KLSX-87-52
    08-04-16, #ISGD-16-3311-15-87, #87-46
    04-09-16, #AOTA-16040910-18-87, #87-42
    02-27-16, #AOTA-16022707-26-87, #87-30
    01-09-16, #AOTA-16010907-19-87, #87-29
    11-28-15, #AOTA-15112806-21-87, #87-25
    03-22-15, #BWR-15-03-2203-01-87, #87-09
    11-18-14, #BWR-14-11-1812-28-86, #86-52
    02-22-14, #AOTA-14022211-23-86, #86-47
    12-30-13, #ISGD-13-5709-28-86, #86-39
    12-28-13, #13-5208-24-86, #KMET-86-34
    11-30-13, #13-4807-20-86, #86-29
    11-03-13, #13-44-Live07-20-86, #KMET-86-29
    09-28-13, #AOTA-13092807-06-86, #86-27
    09-12-13, #ISGD-13-3704-20-86, #86-16
    06-06-13, #ISGD-13-2303-16-86, #86-11
    05-25-13, #13-2101-19-86, #86-03
    01-05-13, #AOTA-13010501-05-86, #KMET-86-01
    01-03-13, #ISGD-13-0112-29-85, #85-52
    11-03-12, #12-4412-15-85, #KMET-85-50
    08-25-12, #AOTA-12082512-01-85, #85-48
    08-18-12, #AOTA-12081811-17-85, #85-46
    03-10-12, #ISGD-12-1011-03-85, #85-44
    01-28-12, #AOTA-12012810-20-85, #KMET-85-42
    01-06-12, #MMDT20_12-0110-13-85, #KMET-85-41
    10-29-11, #MMCZ-11-4409-15-85, #85-37
    10-15-11, #MMCZ-11-4208-11-85, #KMET-85-32
    09-24-11, #AOTA-11092407-21-85, #KMET-85-29
    09-24-11, #11-3906-23-85, #85-25
    09-17-11, #MMCZ-11-3803-31-85, #85-13
    06-18-11, #MMCZ-11-2502-17-85, #85-07
    04-30-11, #MMCZ-11-1812-30-84, #84-53
    04-23-11, #MMCZ-11-1712-09-84, #84-50
    04-09-11, #MMCZ-11-1511-04-84, #84-45
    03-26-11, #mmcz-11-1309-23-84, #84-39
    03-12-11, #11-1107-15-84, #84-29
    01-22-11, #MMCZ-11-0406-17-84, #84-25
    01-22-11, #MMCZ-11-0204-15-84, #84-16
    01-07-11, #ROTP_33302-12-84, #84-07
    11-28-10, #MMCZ-10-5401-01-84, #84-01
    11-27-10, #10-4812-18-83, #83-51
    10-02-10, #MMCZ-10-4010-30-83, #83-44
    09-11-10, #MMCZ-10-3709-04-83, #83-36
    07-01-10, #MMCZ-10-2708-28-83, #83-35
    05-16-10, #10-2007-03-83, #83-27
    04-04-10, #MMCZ-10-1405-08-83, #83-19
    04-04-10, #10-1404-10-83, #83-15
    02-21-10, #MMCZ-10-0801-09-83, #83-02
    02-14-10, #MMCZ-10-0701-02-83, #83-01
    01-17-10, #MMCZ-10-0312-05-82, #82-49
    12-26-09, #ROTP_27910-17-82, #82-42
    07-26-09, #09-3009-12-82, #82-37
    07-10-09, #KSWD-09-SP108-01-82, #82-31
    05-17-09, #MMCZ-09-1706-06-82, #82-23
    01-17-09, #ROTP_23005-09-82, #82-19
    12-28-08, #08-5203-28-82, #82-13
    06-28-08, #ROTP_20101-31-82, #82-05
    05-25-08, #08-2112-27-81, #81-52
    09-16-07, #07-3708-16-81, #81-33
    08-05-07, #MMS-8806-14-81, #81-24
    08-03-07, #MMDT20_07-3005-10-81, #81-19
    07-13-07, #MMDT20_07-2702-22-81, #81-08
    12-31-06, #06-5312-28-80, #80-52
    11-26-06, #06-4812-07-80, #80-49
    10-21-06, #ROTP_11311-09-80, #80-45
    10-08-06, #06-4109-07-80, #80-36
    08-06-06, #MMS-3908-03-80, #80-31
    07-23-06, #06-3007-06-80, #80-27
    07-01-06, #ROTP_09706-15-80, #80-24
    05-27-06, #ROTP_09205-25-80, #80-21
    01-14-06, #ROTP_07304-13-80, #80-15
    12-10-05, #ROTP_06803-02-80, #80-09
    08-21-05, #05-3412-30-79, #79-52
    05-04-05, #KMCC_2-7.512-30-79, #KSAN-79-52
    05-01-05, #XM-10112-30-79, #KMET-79-52
    04-03-05, #05-1410-21-79, #79-42
    01-16-05, #XM-8607-01-79, #79-26
    01-02-05, #XM-8404-08-79, #79-14
    12-26-04, #04-5202-18-79, #79-07
    11-14-04, #04-4612-31-78, #78-46
    05-23-04, #XM-5212-31-78, #KMET-78-52
    05-02-04, #XM-4911-05-78, #78-38
    04-25-04, #04-1710-22-78, #78-36
    12-28-03, #03-5209-10-78, #78-29
    09-21-03, #03-3808-20-78, #78-26
    09-01-03, #XM-1507-09-78, #78-20
    04-27-03, #03-1705-21-78, #78-13
    02-23-03, #03-0804-02-78, #78-6
    12-29-02, #02-5203-26-78, #78-5
    11-17-02, #02-4601-01-78, #KMET-78-01
    09-01-02, #02-3501-02-77, #KMET-77-01
    05-19-02, #02-2001-02-77, #127
    03-10-02, #02-1012-12-76, #124
    12-30-01, #01-5211-21-76, #121
    09-02-01, #01-3510-31-76, #118
    05-27-01, #01-2109-26-76, #113
    02-18-01, #01-0708-01-76, #105
    12-31-00, #00-5306-27-76, #100
    09-03-00, #00-3606-20-76, #99
    05-14-00, #00-2006-13-76, #98
    03-05-00, #00-1005-23-76, #95
    12-26-99, #99-5204-25-76, #91
    11-21-99, #99-4703-28-76, #87
    08-29-99, #99-3502-29-76, #83
    05-30-99, #99-2201-25-76, #78
    03-14-99, #99-1101-04-76, #75
    01-03-99, #99-0112-28-75, #KMET-75-52
    08-30-98, #98-3511-23-75, #69
    05-31-98, #98-2211-09-75, #67
    12-28-97, #97-5210-26-75, #65
    11-16-97, #97-4610-19-75, #64
    06-01-97, #97-2210-05-75, #62
    12-29-96, #96-5209-28-75, #61
    12-29-96, #KSCA-96-5209-21-75, #60
    09-01-96, #96-3509-07-75, #58
    07-14-96, #96-2808-17-75, #55
    06-23-96, #96-2506-01-75, #48
    06-02-96, #96-2205-04-75, #44
    04-14-96, #96-1504-20-75, #42
    03-31-96, #96-1304-13-75, #41
    03-03-96, #96-0903-30-75, #39
    11-12-95, #95-4602-16-75, #33
    10-08-95, #95-4102-09-75, #32
    06-11-95, #95-2412-29-74, #26
    02-05-95, #95-0612-29-74, #KMET-74-52
    07-31-94, #94-3110-06-74, #14
    04-10-94, #94-1509-29-74, #13
    11-28-93, #93-4809-22-74, #12
    03-14-93, #93-1109-15-74, #11
    12-27-92, #92-5207-21-74, #3
    09-27-92, #92-3907-14-74, #2
    04-26-92, #92-1712-30-73, #KMET-73-52
    02-02-92, #92-0509-09-73, #KMET-73-36
    12-29-91, #KLSX-91-5208-19-73, #KMET-73-33
    12-29-91, #91-5212-31-72, #KMET-72-53
    10-13-91, #91-4104-23-72, #KMET-72-17
    09-01-91, #91-3504-09-72, #KMET-72-15
    06-02-91, #91-2203-19-72, #KMET-72-12
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