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Song Details
Release Date: 1949  (CapSuper) 
Lyrics By: Pinto Colvig, Billy May (curtcass) 
Music By: Pinto Colvig, Billy May (curtcass) 
Produced By: Alan Livingston (Irving J Puddlebumpe) 
Released By: Capitol (curtcass) 
Published By:
  • Pinto Colvig was the original voice of Bozo The Clown & Goofy. (czwrefsteven)
  • Mel Blanc is the wheezing automobile (Irving J Puddlebumpe)
  • Song Lyrics:
    "Honkety Hank" (Pinto Colvig, Billy May) (Words in are vocal sound effects) Young Honkety Hank, a mechanical boy Built himself the silliest toy An automobile that went when he run it The neighbors all said that he shouldn't o' done it. The poofiest car that a kid ever built All painted and patched like an old crazy quilt 'Twas made out of boxes and tin cans and such That didn't have even a brake or a clutch. 'Twould jiggle and twiggle and wiggle and giggle And mutter and sputter and flutter Would cough and sneeze and and wheeze Down the street with a terrible clutter. The people would shout, "Hey, look out!" Here comes Honkety Hank and his hoot'nanny automobile Here he comes with a clinkety clank and a and a and a squeal. All hopped up like a hoppity toad The hottest hot rod on the whole bloomin' road Heads up for Honkety Hank and his hoot'nanny automobile. That old hunk-a-junk would make anyone laugh The motor inside was an old phonograph The wheels were wobbly and bubblegum tires And all would every time it backfired. But there came a day for when Honkety Hank Gave the crank a heck of a yank That hopped-up jalopy went cloppety clop And then lickety-split past a big motor cop. That cop, he jumped on his big motorcycle And Honkety yelled, "I'm sure in a pickle!" For miles and miles they swerved and swirled 'Till the cop chased for Hank almost clean 'round the world. They finally came to the end of the chase And leaped the fence in a hot midget race Past the others and came in first place And the cop, he laughed 'til red in the face..."Ya ha ha ya ya ya ya!" Around and around that big race track Honkety Hank zipped clickety-clack With a zing-zing-zing-zing and a pop He just couldn't make that ol hoot'nanny stop The people they couldn't believe their eyes When the judge gave Honkety Hank first prize A thousand folks in that might crowd Lifted their voices and sang out loud: "Hooray for Honkety Hank and his hoot'nanny automobile Whaddaya say there, Honkety Hank? Tell us how you feel!" But Honkety Hank woke up in bed Blinked his eyes and scratched his head "'Twas a wonderful dream," was all he said. So he hopped out of bed and dressed himself Washed his face and brushed his teeth Ate his gruel, and kissed his mom and went to school Just like any other boy. (curtcass)
    Current Rating 10.0 (3 votes)
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    Messages about the song: "Honkety Hank"
    Irving J Puddlebumpe   Offline  -  Member  -  09-23-05 10:44 AM  -  19 years ago
    Where is the Bozo CD that we have been waiting for??

    The Mel Blanc CD on Collectors Choice is good--but it does miss some real strong songs. Dr D should've done the compilation.
    curtcass   Offline  -  Member  -  09-18-05 09:00 PM  -  19 years ago
    My brothers and I had this '78 back in the 1960s and played it endlessly. It disappeared in a move to a different city in 1969. I heard it again on Dr D on, I belive, the 6-17-84 show. I remembered every lyric and nuance as it played.

    Just acquired an MP3 from Great memories!

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