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Song Details
Duration: 2:47 
Release Date: 1985  (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Lyrics By: Scott Laningham (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Music By: Scott Laningham (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Produced By:
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Published By: Creshofafa Music (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Licensing: ASCAP  #430406778 (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Song Lyrics:
Two weeks ago last Monday I was driving home at night
The guy in front was pokey, he wanted to see the sights
I didn't wanna be Gumby so I switched to passing gear
When I pulled up along side him, he offered me a beer

"Hey man, you wanna beer?"
"No thanks, man."
"You sure?"
"No, I'm good."
"Ok man, we'll see ya later."

I pulled into my driveway, walked up to my front door
I went inside and noticed there were hoof marks on the floor
I measured them with utmost care and thought the tracks were deer
Then suddenly it hit me what was happening in here

There's a moose in my house
I thought it was a deer
There's a moose in my house
But now it's really clear
There's a moose in my house
Got a major problem here
Loose moose in my house

What am I gonna tell my dog?

I checked the mail and found a box from the Sierra Club
I ran into the bathroom and found moose hair in my tub
My bill from Bell has phone calls to the Yukon and Montana
My tooth brush smells like moose breath; I'm missing my pajamas

There's a moose in my house
I don't know what to do
There's a moose in my house
I stepped in moosie poop
There's a moose in my house
My dog is turning blue
Loose moose in my house

I looked in here, I looked in there, I looked in the dirty clothes hamper
I looked in the backyard and found a troop of Cub Scout campers
I asked them why that they were here; it is my yard you know
They said "we are moose hunters; this is the place to go"

"We're moose hunters!"
"Oh, yeah?"
"He's in your house!"
"I know. Ya wanna get outta my yard?""

I know this all sounds stupid' you probably think I'm dumb
You might think I'm a mental case or maybe just a bum
But someday you just might come home and find a big surprise
A moose takes up a lot of space and really draws the flies

There's a moose in my house
I thought it was deer
There's a moose in my house
But now it's really clear
There's a moose in my house
I should have had that beer
There's a moose in my house
Got a major problem here

There's a moose in my house
I don't know what to do
There's a moose in my house
I steeped in moosie poo
There's a moose in my house
I hope that there aren't two
There's a moose in my house
My dog is turning blue
(Stavro Arrgolus)
Current Rating 10.0 (3 votes)
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