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Oh my god! (Oh my god!) It's a dog! (It's a dog!) I saw a dog! (It's a dog!) I just saw an entire dog! (It's a dog!) A whole dog! (it's a dog!) I just observed more than twice of 47% of a dog!
I don't mean I saw half a dog twice Cuz that's the same half of the dog, it doesn't count the second time! I don't even mean I saw half each of two dogs I'm talking about a full single contiguous dog
I saw a dog! (It's a dog!) A full dog! (It's a dog!) I just saw an entire dog! (It's a dog!) A whole dog! (it's a dog!) A quantity of exactly one dog!
We've seen a lot of things But nothing could prepare us For visual confirmation Of canis familiarus I can't believe it's happening My eyes are all full One over Avogadro's number times the molecules in a mole of DOG
I saw a dog! A full dog! I just saw an entire dog! A whole dog! I observed precisely one standard unit of dog
Not 100 centidogs Not 1000 millidogs Not a million microdogs I SAW A DOG
Not 100 centidogs Not 1000 millidogs Not a million microdogs I SAW A DOG
Not 100 centidogs Not 1000 millidogs Not a million microdogs I SAW PRECISELY A DOG
A full dog! (It's a dog!) I saw a dog! (It's a dog!) I just saw an entire dog! (It's a dog!) A whole dog! (it's a dog!) Seriously I didn't just like round up from seeing a good chunk of a dog
Copyright 2016 Timothy F Crist (Captain Wayne) |
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Played on 34 shows: |
 | 01-27-24, #KMCC-18-11 |  | 12-30-17, #AOTA-171230 |
 | 08-26-23, #AOTA-230826 |  | 08-19-17, #AOTA-170819 |
 | 02-03-23, #WOTR_312 |  | 08-11-17, #WOTR_46 |
 | 08-27-22, #AOTA-220827 |  | 02-18-17, #KMCC-11-12 |
 | 08-14-21, #AOTA-210814 |  | 02-04-17, #AOTA-170204 |
 | 08-22-20, #AOTA-200822 |  | 01-18-17, #ISGD-17-03 |
 | 08-21-20, #WOTR_187 |  | 01-07-17, #AOTA-170107 |
 | 08-15-20, #AOTA-200815 |  | 01-07-17, #17-01 |
 | 07-11-20, #AOTA-200711 |  | 12-31-16, #16-53 |
 | 04-25-20, #AOTA-200425 |  | 11-26-16, #KMCC-11-06 |
 | 03-28-20, #KMCC-14-16 |  | 11-26-16, #16-48 |
 | 08-31-19, #AOTA-190831 |  | 11-23-16, #ISGD-16-48 |
 | 11-24-18, #KMCC-13-07 |  | 11-19-16, #AOTA-161119 |
 | 06-23-18, #AOTA-180623 |  | 11-17-16, #WOTR_17 |
 | 06-16-18, #AOTA-180616 |  | 11-12-16, #16-46 |
 | 03-31-18, #KMCC SE 003 |  | 11-06-16, #OTR-2-43 |
 | 02-10-18, #KMCC-12-12 |  | 11-05-16, #AOTA-161105 |
 | = Show you can listen to online |
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