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"It's an Alt-Right Christmas" suggested by Ken "Madman on the Loose" Sherlock parody lyrics written by Chris Mezzolesta
I. It's an Alt-Right Christmas (parody of "It's a Fanboy Christmas" by the great Luke Ski)
It's an Alt-Right Christmas The Madman told me so And judging from my Facebook this is where we're going to go There's terrorists in power The swamp will overflow We're Making Christmas Great Again And thought you ought to know....
II. Alt-Right Christmas (parody of "White Christmas" by Bing Crosby)
I'm dreaming of Alt-Right Christmas Just like the ones from long ago From the trees they're dangling, those Negroes 'hangling' You hear goosesteps in the snow I'm dreaming of Alt-Right Christmas With every righteous tweet I write May the Jews and Muslims take flight And may all AmeriKKKa, be white
III. Drain The Swamp (parody of "Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!")
Oh the status quo is so over Cause we brainwashed half the voters She's our scapegoat in a big gold cup Lock her up Lock her up Lock her up Cause Washington's so corrupted And it really needs disrupted Trump-a-gator is going to CHOMP!! Drain the swamp Drain the swamp Drain the swamp When we finally take D.C. How they'll hate coming out to the storm We'll push all of the LGBTs Back in their closets so warm So you think that we're all cold-hearted Well we're only getting started Get in line with that right hand pump Sieg Heil Trump Sieg Heil Trump Sieg Heil Trump
IV. No Black Santa Claus (parody of "Here Comes Santa Claus")
No black Santa Claus No black Santa Claus Boycott MOA Spencer, Bannon, and all those racists Woke the KKK Signs are waving, bullhorns blaring Robes and hoods are so bright Hang Obama and say a prayer Cause Santa Claus should be white.
V. It's an Alt-Right Christmas (parody of "It's a Fanboy Christmas" by the great Luke Ski)
It's an Alt-Right Christmas The wall is tall and long It seems to go forever like the subject of this song Our state and city councils Are full of whighteous men So kiss the flag and retweet Trump and take us back again...
VI. Kristallnacht (parody of Silent Night)
Kristallnacht Reichspogromnacht Alles gut Alles weiss Round up every mother and child Holy s**t, Browncoats have run wild Fuhrer Drumpf would be pleased Streets devoid of peace
VII. Grandma Got Run Over By a Muslim (parody of "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer" by Elmo & Patsy)
Grandma got run over by a Muslim Drivin' in his brand new SUV You could say there's no such thing as RADICAL ISLAM, THERE I SAID IT, WHY WON'T PRESIDENT OBUMMER AND THE LIBERAL MEDIA CALL IT WHAT IT IS, THEY'RE HIDING BEHIND A SMOKESCREEN OF... But as for me and Ted Cruz, we believe.
VIII. Finale
It's an Alt-Right Christmas We hope it's White and merry But if you are not one of us you should be very wary The eggnog has been poisoned The trees are set ablaze And up with them will go your rights cause we won't change our ways OH,
It's an Alt-Right Christmas The Donald is your present We'll make Amurca great again and turn you into peasants So get off social media Get out and rock the boat The only only way out of this s**t is use your brain and VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Captain Wayne) |
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Played on 10 shows: |
 | 01-01-21, #WOTR_206 |  | 12-09-17, #AOTA-171209 |
 | 12-05-20, #AOTA-201205 |  | 07-15-17, #AOTA-170715 |
 | 12-21-19, #AOTA-191221 |  | 12-26-16, #MMS-209 |
 | 12-22-18, #AOTA-181222 |  | 12-24-16, #AOTA-161224 |
 | 12-13-17, #MMP-50 |  | 12-24-16, #16-52 |
 | = Show you can listen to online |
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