Release Date:
1962 (CircleYranch)
Lyrics By:
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Facts: |
Also know as "The Legend of Gunga Din" (Edwin1) |
Web pages about this song: |
Current Rating
(4 votes)
Played on 55 shows: |
 | 07-04-17, #ISGD-17-28 | | 11-10-85, #KMET-85-45 |
 | 07-25-15, #15-30 | | 08-25-85, #KMET-85-34 |
 | 12-01-12, #12-48 | | 06-03-84, #84-23 |
 | 06-18-11, #11-25 |  | 09-25-83, #83-39 |
 | 03-14-10, #10-11 |  | 01-30-83, #83-05 |
 | 06-28-09, #09-26 | | 10-17-82, #82-42 |
 | 06-14-09, #09-24 | | 10-11-81, #81-41 |
 | 05-03-09, #MMS-126 | | 05-24-81, #81-21 |
 | 03-09-08, #08-10 |  | 01-25-81, #81-04 |
 | 05-27-07, #MMS-79 | | 01-13-80, #80-02 |
 | 04-08-07, #07-14 | | 11-05-78, #78-38 |
 | 11-13-06, #MMS-53 |  | 09-17-78, #78-31 |
 | 05-28-06, #MMS-29 | | 03-19-78, #78-4 |
 | 04-02-06, #06-14 | | 12-26-76, #126 |
 | 01-07-06, #MMS-12 | | 09-12-76, #111 |
 | 02-13-05, #05-07 | | 06-27-76, #100 |
 | 07-16-00, #00-29 | | 02-15-76, #81 |
 | 05-03-98, #98-18 | | 02-01-76, #79 |
 | 09-15-96, #96-37 |  | 09-14-75, #59 |
 | 06-25-95, #95-26 | | 04-06-75, #40 |
 | 12-01-91, #91-48 | | 02-02-75, #31 |
 | 05-06-90, #90-18 | | 12-29-74, #26 |
 | 02-19-89, #89-08 |  | 09-22-74, #12 |
 | 05-15-88, #88-20 |  | 09-15-74, #11 |
| 08-16-87, #87-33 |  | 09-08-74, #10 |
| 09-21-86, #KMET-86-38 |  | 09-01-74, #9 |
| 09-14-86, #KMET-86-37 |  | 08-11-74, #6 |
 | 08-17-86, #86-33 | | |
 | = Show you can listen to online |
fiogf49gjkf0d Fixed.
fiogf49gjkf0d Actually, this song is from 1962.
fiogf49gjkf0d I'm quite old indeed and thicker than a whale omelet, but I can help. This song was last played on the May 27th show (MMS-79) Click on that show on the page above and the song is the last song of the 1st segment. Press play next to that segment.
fiogf49gjkf0d how can i hear this song, i'm kinda old and kinda thick, need help, if you don't have any pretty nurses, then tell me how to hear or play 6this thing please
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