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Song Details
Duration: 2:04 
Release Date: 1977  (sav-man) 
Lyrics By: Martin Mull & Steve Martin (sav-man) 
Music By: Martin Mull & Steve Martin (sav-man) 
Produced By: Michael Cuscuna (sav-man) 
Released By: ABC Records (sav-man) 
Published By: Used Furniture Music (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Licensing: ASCAP  #430278210 (Stavro Arrgolus) 
  • There were two versions of this song. The last line was different. The "dirty" album version says: "So throw your rubbers overboard, there's no one here but men." The "clean" TV version says: So chug-a-lug your aftershave, there's no one here but men. (HuggyBear)
  • I feel manly every time I listen to this. (J49)
  • Also performed by Steve Martin (maryjodailey)
  • Sea Chantey satire from Mull's 1977 album I'M EVERYONE I'VE EVER LOVED. (sav-man)
  • Actor Ed Begley, Jr. plays the role of "first mate" on this song. (sav-man)
  • Song Lyrics:
    Umm, Captain Klumpz....
    Yes, Malarkey?
    The men haven't eaten in days, sir.
    Yes Malarkey.
    Captain, I don't think you fully understand. I said the men have not eaten in days now.
    I heard you, Malarkey, thank you.
    Captain, you've gone quite mad. I'm telling you for the last time, the men have not eaten in days!
    Well, force them! You've plenty of men, haven't you?
    Plenty, sir.
    Plenty of what, sir?
    Men, sir!
    Men! Men! MEN! Men!

    Men, Men, Men, Men
    Men, Men, Men, Men
    Men, Men, Men, Men
    Men, Men, Men, Men

    It's great to be on a ship with men and sail across the sea-o,
    We don't know where we'll land or when, but it's great to be with men
    It's great to be with men

    'Cause men can sweat and men can stink and no one seems to care-o,
    We'll throw the dishes in the sink and clog the drain with hair-o,
    (Clog the drain with hair-o)

    Men, men, men.
    It's a ship all filled with men.
    So batten down the ladies room; there's no one here but men
    Men, Men, Men, Men
    Men, Men, Men, Men

    There's men above, there's men below, there's men down in the galley,
    There's Butch and Spike And Buzz and Biff
    And one guy we call Sally
    (And one guy we call Sally)

    Men, men, men.
    It's a ship all filled with men.
    You'll never have to lift the seat; there's no one here but men
    Men, Men, Men, Men
    Men, Men, Men, Men

    We're men and friends until the end and none of us are sissies,
    At night we sleep in separate beds and blow each other kissies
    (And blow each other kissies)

    Men, men, men.
    It's a ship all filled with men.
    So throw your rubbers overboard; there's no one here but men
    Ahhhhhhhhh, Mennnnn.

    Current Rating 9.4 (7 votes)
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    Messages about the song: "Men"
      Offline  -   -  06-15-05 11:01 AM  -  19 years ago
    In 1980, I arranged and we performed this song with RHO RHO RHO, an independent Men's Housing Group at Grove City College. We did it with 30 voices in 3-part harmony (I had to edit the last line). We sang it for an audience of 3000+ at the Annual All-College Sing on Parents' Weekend.

    Phil Abel
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