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Song Details
The Mouth 
By: Sudden Death f/ Mr. Zipp
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Duration: 5:05 
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Licensing: CC 
  • This Song Is On The Album "Unplugged" Which You Can Get At (samuel_whyte)
  • This Is A Pretty True Story About Some Of Tom's Roommates.It's Kinda Sad... (samuel_whyte)
  • Song Lyrics:
    Sittin' at home doin' nothing in particular
    Watchin' TV; legs crossed perpendicular
    Tryin' real hard to retain my sanity
    When in walks the reason I gave up on humanity
    Five foot eight with a wimpy goatee
    Brown hair, brown eyes, and a couple brown teeth
    His voice has a pitch that could bust a glass
    Got a mouth like a river and it's just as fast
    Livin' with this guy has really been the pits
    His mouth is so big that his nose barely fits
    Ain't no peace and quiet; it's a riot with this creep
    ‘Cause he can both talk and eat in his sleep
    Eatin' all my food, all day, all night
    The Tazmanian Devil has a smaller appetite
    If there's food in the house, no doubt he'll grab it
    Eats chicken, fish, beef, and especially rabbit
    I gotta get away and he's gotta get a job
    I gotta get my shoe off of his shishkebob
    He's got a hole in his head that's incredibly wide
    And anything can fit inside
    That's why we call him The Mouth

    His mouth keeps moving as his heart keeps beating
    He's constantly talking, and/or eating
    I avoid him when I can but I live in fear
    He only inhaled three times last year
    Did I mention that this guy was a royal pain
    He talks with a full mouth and an empty brain
    He only talks about things that he doesn't understand
    Which means he can talk longer than our average life span
    Talk about annoying, he'll talk about anything
    Comments that he adds just adds to my suffering
    Stupid little things from a stupid little man
    His brain got in the way, so he cut out the middle man
    He keeps putting in his two cents somehow
    But at this rate, he should have been broke by now
    When he talks up a storm, it forms a damn monsoon
    Then he tells me everything that happened in the bathroom
    Goin' on for hours while I stand there in a daze
    Tellin' me about his pimples and his potty training days
    With a blatant disregard for my indifference he talks
    Like a blind pitcher giving up walks
    That's why we call him The Mouth

    I know more about him than I know about myself
    Sharing air with this guy is really bad for my health
    I don't know how much longer I'll be able to survive
    I've heard about every minute this idiot has been alive
    Did you know when he was three he had a puppy named Joe
    It would sleep at his feet, and lick between his toes
    And then every morning it would wake him up
    At seven-thirty on the dot, it was such a smart pup
    And every year his town has a carnival or somethin'
    To celebrate that miracle of nature called the pumpkin
    Half a million people all come to this little town
    And they all take turns picking seeds up off the ground
    I sit there and I smile and I nod a little bit
    And I'm thinkin' to myself, God, what an idiot
    He doesn't seem to pick up from my ultra blank stare
    That I just don't care
    That's why we call him The Mouth

    [Mouth rant]

    He sits around the house watching TV and he's eating
    And he's talking and the whole time I'm taking a beating
    And then he complains that he's got a tired butt
    I wonder how much it would cost to have his mouth wired shut
    Even the dog doesn't wanna go near him
    Doesn't matter where you go, ‘cause you're always gonna hear him
    And we haven't got a clue what we could possibly do
    We're both starving ‘cause he ate the damn dog food too
    No food in the house he ate it all last week
    No silence in the house ‘cause he still has all his teeth
    And there ain't no escape ‘cause he doesn't have a life
    I really do feel very sorry for his wife
    Yes, he's married but it can't be that great
    ‘Cause his wife has a house and lives in another state
    At first I thought that that was weird but now I understand why
    If I was married to this guy, I think I'd just give up and die
    For now, I'm stuck with him ‘cause he pays the rent
    At least until he meets with a little accident
    God gave us the gifts of speech and sound
    And has regretted it since he's been around
    That's why we call him The Mouth

    [Mouth rant]
    Current Rating 8.5 (2 votes)
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