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Song Details
Duration: 3:23 
Release Date: 1963  (sav-man) 
Lyrics By: John Benson Brooks & Bob Russell (sav-man) 
Music By: John Benson Brooks & Bob Russell (sav-man) 
Produced By:
Released By: Warner Brothers Records (sav-man) 
Licensing: ASCAP  #550012190 (M_Robertcop) 
  • Parody of Pop standard "You Came A Long Way From St. Louis." (sav-man)
  • Was the B-side of Sherman's single "The Twelve Gifts of Christmas." (sav-man)
  • From Sherman's 1963 album MY SON, THE NUT. (sav-man)
  • Song Lyrics:
    You Went The Wrong Way, Old King Louie
    by Allan Sherman

    Louis the Sixteenth was the King of France in 1789.
    He was worse than Louis the Fifteenth
    He was worse than Louis the Fourteenth
    He was worse than Louis the Thirteenth
    He was the worst since Louis the First

    King Louis was living like a king, but the people were living rotten
    So the people, they started an uprising which they called the
    French Revolution, and of course you remember their battle cry,
    which will never be forgotten:

    You went the wrong way, Old King Louie
    You made the population cry
    'Cause all you did was sit and pet
    With Marie Antoinette
    In your place at Versailles

    And now the country's gone kablooie
    So we are giving you the air
    That oughta teach you not to
    Spend all your time fooling 'round
    At the Folies Bergere

    If you had been a nicer king,
    We wouldn't do a thing
    But you were bad, you must admit
    We're gonna take you and the Queen
    Down to the guillotine
    And shorten you a little bit

    You came the wrong way, Old King Louie
    And now you ain't got far to go
    Too bad you won't be here to see
    That great big Eiffel Tower
    Or Brigitte Bardot

    To you King Louie, we say phooey
    You disappointed all of France
    But then what else could we expect
    From a king in silk stockings
    And pink satin pants

    You filled your stomach with chop suey
    And also crepe suzettes and steak
    And when they told your wife Marie
    That nobody had bread, she said
    "Let 'em eat cake."

    We're gonna take you and the Queen
    Down to the guillotine
    It's somewhere in the heart of town
    And when that fella's through
    With what he's gonna do,
    You'll have no place to hang your crown

    You came the wrong way Old King Louie
    Now we must put you on the shelf
    That's why the people are revolting, 'cause Louie,
    You're pretty revolting yourself!
    Current Rating 8.8 (3 votes)
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