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Song Details
Rank this week: 10 (↑26)
Duration: 2:31 
Release Date: 1980 
Lyrics By: Billy Joel (music), Weird Al Yankovic (new lyrics) (will1410) 
Music By: Billy Joel (music), Weird Al Yankovic (new lyrics) (will1410) 
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  • Recorded in Damascus' bedroom. (CapSuper)
  • Parody of Billy Joel's "It's Still Rock & Roll To Me" (CapSuper)
  • Song Lyrics:
    What's the matter with the songs he's singin'
    Can't you tell that they're pretty lame
    After listenin' to a couple albums
    Well, they all start to sound the same

    So he tried to change his musical style
    He tossed all his ballads in the circular file
    Then he found the punk sound
    Breakin' ground all around
    It's still Billy Joel to me

    What's the matter with the tune he's writin'
    Well, you know it's gonna be a smash
    It's so nice when you're a big name artist
    Doesn't matter if it sounds like trash

    Now everybody thinks the new wave is super
    Just ask Linda Ronstadt or even Alice Cooper
    It's a big hit, isn't it
    Even if it's a piece of junk
    It's still Billy Joel to me

    Whoa, it doesn't matter what the critics say about him
    'Cause he doesn't worry how they feel
    When you're record's sellin' millions and it's goin' triple platinum
    You don't worry 'bout your next meal
    'Cause money is no big deal

    Maybe he should dye his hair bright pink
    And stick a safety pin through his cheeks
    Then he'd really fit the new wave image
    But he couldn't sit down for weeks

    Don't you know about the record business, honey
    You gotta be trendy if you wanna make some money
    Now everybody's sayin' that he sure sounds funny
    But it's still Billy Joel to me

    All right, Alfred

    I can hardly wait 'til his next album
    Well, I'll bet it's gonna be the rage
    Buy a ticket to his next big concert
    Well, I wonder what he'll do on stage

    It might be disco and it might be the blues
    Or maybe even somethin' like the B-52's
    Just a handclap, finger snap
    Even if it's mindless pap
    It's still Billy Joel to me

    Everybody's sayin' that he sure sounds funny
    But it's still Billy Joel to me
    (Sonic SBL)
    Current Rating 8.9 (9 votes)
    Song Images:
    Messages about the song: "It's Still Billy Joel To Me"
    Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  11-02-22 09:20 PM  -  2 years ago


    It would be kind of nice to see at least a little regard for the site instead of seeing a mess of duplicate pages after every show.

    Wacky Ben:

    It's... right... here!

    Come on, Kahn Man. For once, look up songs instead of just assuming the song or artist is not on the site and then make duplicate pages which then frustrates the moderators and causes more issues with the site.

    Wacky Ben   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  11-02-22 05:43 PM  -  2 years ago

    It's... right... here!

    Come on, Kahn Man. For once, look up songs instead of just assuming the song or artist is not on the site and then make duplicate pages which then frustrates the moderators and causes more issues with the site.

    Tim P. Ryan   Offline  -  Participant, MP3  -  10-13-05 11:12 AM  -  19 years ago
    Another reason for not releasing 'It's Still Billy Joel To Me' is that, looking back now nearly 25 years, it that the song is rather mean. I don't think he would create a song like this one today. Oh, he might skewer someone, but it has a different edge to it.
    zzyzyxrex   Offline  -  Participant  -  10-12-05 08:19 AM  -  19 years ago
    I believe that reason he's never released (officially) either song is because he couldn't secure the rights to use the songs.
    Now he makes sure to get the rights to the song before he goes through the trouble of skewering it.

    --- WinfieldDoner
    He never released his pac man song either
    WinfieldDoner   Offline  -  Member  -  10-07-05 11:55 PM  -  19 years ago
    He never released his pac man song either
    DaMovieMan   Offline  -  Member  -  10-07-05 11:30 PM  -  19 years ago
    Awesome song, but I'm bummed it's not one he's ever released!
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