Facts: |
An "onomatopoeia" is a word which sounds like what it represents, such as a hiccup SOUNDING like "hiccup". (ChrisWolvie) |
From Todd's 1978 solo album HERMIT OF MINK HOLLOW. (sav-man) |
Web pages about this song: |
Song Lyrics: |
Onomatopoeia Every time I see ya My senses tell me hubba And I just can't disagree I get a feeling in my heart that I can't describe It's sort of lub, dub, lub, dub A sound in my head that I can't describe It's sort of zoom, zip, hiccup, drip Ding, dong, crunch, crack, bark, meow, whinnie, quack
Onomatopoeia In proximity ya Rearrange my brain In a strange cacophony I get a feeling somewhere that I can't describe It's sort of uh, uh, uh, uh A sound in my head that I can't describe It's sort of whack, whir, wheeze, whine Sputter, splat, squirt, scrape Clink, clank, clunk, clatter Crash, bang, beep, buzz Ring, rip, roar, retch Twang, toot, tinkle, thud Pop, plop, plunk, pow Snort, snuk, sniff, smack Screech, splash, squish, squeek Jingle, rattle, squeel, boing Honk, hoot, hack, belch (ChrisWolvie) |
Current Rating
(2 votes)
Played on 19 shows: |
 | 06-27-13, #ISGD-13-26 |  | 05-17-92, #92-20 |
 | 04-20-13, #13-16 |  | 09-08-91, #91-36 |
 | 04-16-11, #MMCZ 11-16 |  | 03-06-88, #88-10 |
 | 03-12-11, #MMCZ-11-11 |  | 11-03-85, #85-44 |
 | 05-23-10, #MMCZ-10-21 | | 10-13-85, #KMET-85-41 |
| 05-22-10, #ISGD-10-20 |  | 05-20-84, #84-21 |
 | 03-17-02, #02-11 | | 03-16-80, #80-11 |
 | 03-19-00, #00-12 | | 06-10-79, #79-23 |
 | 09-12-99, #99-37 | | 10-08-78, #78-34 |
 | 05-14-95, #95-20 | | |
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